Gardening Tips for Your Grape Trellis

Grapes grow on a vine, which means they require a trellis to grow. Space is not generally an issue when using a grape trellis. You can easily grow grapes in your backyard in a small space as well as vineyards use several hundred acres of land to grow theirs.

Grapevines require a trellis for support, since the vines are not strong enough to support it safely. The way the trellis appears will depend on you and how you grow the grapevines. It may be entirely functional and it may be very decorative. There are various sizes and shapes of trellis for your grapes according to your needs. They come in an assortment of materials such as PVC pipe, stainless steel, aluminum, iron and pretreated wood. You can buy a trellis or make your own with a simple functional design. Grapevines can become a very large plant while growing in your yard. One vine will require a space of approximately 8 x 8 feet.

Remember to construct your grape trellis before you ever plant the vine. Generally, in warmer climates grapes will require a taller trellis. A shorter trellis is much better for withstanding winter weather; it also makes it easier to prepare the grapevines for winter. Posts of about 3 feet in height are perfect for shorter trellises. A larger trellis should be approximately 8 feet in height.

You should always consider where you plan to place your trellis before you begin digging any holes. Map out your site and then place the first post approximately 2 feet into the ground. Place any eight-foot posts about two feet into the ground, allowing six feet above ground. You should also seriously consider cementing the post into the ground. Since it will take several years to produce a crop of grapes, your grape trellis will become a permanent fixture for some time to come. You can secure the posts by placing another shorter post into the ground next to the main post. On the other hand, you may prefer to secure your posts by using catch wires that you anchor into the ground. Set your posts approximately 8 feet apart into the ground. You will need to run two rows of galvanized steel wire between the posts. You will run the first row along the bottom of the post approximately 3 inches above the ground. You will then run the second wire along the top of the posts. You can use a staple gun to staple your wires in place.

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When you are planning to grow a small crop of grapes, you should consider buying a grape trellis for your vines as an alternative. Of course, this is your choice, since it is an investment; however, they are worth the money you pay for them. Remember to measure the area you plan to have your grape trellis before you actually make a purchase, since you will want one that will suit your needs.

After planting your vine, it will begin growing and will grow along the two main wires of the trellis with a bit of coaxing from you. You may use cloth or string to tie the vines to the wires. Keep in mind that using wire for tying the shoots can cause damage to your plant.

It is very beneficial that you buy a hydrometer when it becomes harvest time. You will find these available in your local winemaking supply shop. You can measure the specific gravity of liquids with a hydrometer. This tool can tell you the amount of sugar content in the berries. Ideally, this gravity will range from 1.095 and 1.105, with the latter of these being the best. Then it is harvesting time for the grapes.

The process of growing grapes on a trellis may take years to produce wine, however when you put forth the effort the process is really worth your investment of time and effort to achieve the results.