Games to Improve Memory in Children

Children need their developmental skills enhanced and improved while they are still young. The more they develop these skills, the more they will be able to use them as they grow. This includes your child’s memory as well. You can help your child improve he or she’s memory in a fun way. There are a few games and fun activities that will require children to use their thinking skills to remember something specific. Here are a few games to improve memory in children.

The Memory Game.
You can find The Memory Game in stores (in the board games section) or you can make your own. If you do make your own, you should be sure every picture in the deck of cards has a match. For example, the deck you make can have two pictures of a ball, cat, dog, kite, apple, and sun. But the pictures have to look exactly alike. You can also use a regular deck of cards as well.

To play The Memory Game, shuffle the cards and lay them all face down on the table or floor. Your child will then have to pick up two cards. If they are a match, then he or she may place them on the side. But if the cards are not a match, then he or she must place the cards face down back in the EXACT spot they were originally in and continue with the game.

As the game moves on, your child will begin to remember where specific cards are. This will help them to find more matches and improve their memory.

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Going On A Trip Storytelling.
Have your children sit down in a circle. If you only have one child who is playing, then just the two of you can play. Start of the game with “I’m going on a trip, and I’m bringing….” and state something you are going to bring. For example, you may decide to bring luggage. So you would say “I’m going on a trip, and I’m bringing luggage”. Your child will then add something to the list. Maybe he or she wants to add food to the list. Your child would then say “I’m going on a trip, and I’m bringing luggage and food”. The next turn will add something else to the list, and still remember the last two (in order if you can). The game will continue until you run out of items or cannot remember the last items. This is a fun memory and storytelling game!

Remembering Everyone’s Names.
This is not just a good memory game, but it is a good ice breaker for children who are just meeting. Have everyone sit in a circle and let the first person state his or her first name. The next child must state his or her name and the name of the person before them. This can keep going until someone forgets a name or everyone has had a turn. You can turn introducing each other into a game and still help children to improve their memory!

Jigsaw Puzzles.
Jigsaw puzzles can be used to help improve memory as well. Children will learn to put the puzzle together by seeing which pieces fit together and where. As they continue with a specific puzzle, they will start remembering where other pieces may and may not fit. This is great for both improving memory and cognitive skills. An alternative for younger children can be the large wooden puzzles with pegs on the pieces.

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Shape-Sorter Toys.
Shape sorter toys can also help to improve a child’s memory. Children will have to sit down and figure out through trail and error which shapes fit in which hole. Eventually, they will easily remember which shape goes well. This will not only improve their memory, but it will help them to learn and identify their shapes as well.

These games to improve memory in children will also help them to use and improve their thinking skills as well. The games and activities you choose may depend on the age of your child. Toddlers can play with the shape-sorter toys or large wooden puzzles. Preschoolers can play The Memory Game, puzzles, and with the shape-sorter toys. School-age children can play with those games and toys, plus the storytelling and name games. Parents, teachers, and child care workers can all plan to play these games with children. Improving their memory at a young age can help children to remember more important things as they grow. Have fun helping your little one improve his or her memory!