Funniest Cat Video on YouTube

One of the funniest videos I have ever seen is a compilation of funny cats on YOUTUBE. I am sure you all have probably seen America’s Funniest videos at one time or another and the funniest videos are usually of animals doing silly or crazy things. I happened to come across a video all about funny cats one day when I was searching for funny videos on YOUTUBE. The video I found is a compilation of short clips of cats doing crazy things. The video clip is over three minutes long. What I find to be hilarious about this video is the fact that these cats are just doing there thing and it happens to be hilarious.

Cats are always getting into trouble. It’s in their nature to be curious. Dogs on the other hand are a lot less maintenance. But, cats tend to be a lot funnier on a daily basis. The video clip starts out with a cat looking into a mirror. Cats obviously do not like to see their own reflections and get very ticked off, ready to defend their territory. Before you know it, the cat has its backed arched and is probably hissing or pawing at the reflective surface. Another thing that cats hate is water. Whether it is a bathtub, a pond, a stream or even a mud puddle…they HATE water. One cat in the video actually manages to skip across a pond like a skipping stone once it realizes that it has landed on the watery surface. The cat even manages to make it all of the way across without going under water. I don’t know if I will ever figure out how that is even possible!! Jesus did it…and now you get to see a cat do it. This is one of the funniest YOUTUBE videos I have ever seen!!! My four year old son loves this particular video. He thinks it is hilarious. When I hear that little laugh of his, I crack up even more.

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There are a lot of funny videos on YOUTUBE and MYSPACE…but I like to see real humor in every day things. I’m not a huge fan of things that are set up to be funny. I like to witness things that are unexpectedly funny. Like a cat chasing a fish around a fishbowl and falling off of a table, or a kitten fighting with a stuffed dog, or a little cactus. Can you imagine those little tiny paws whipping up on a nasty old cactus. That poor kittten never knew what hit it. In this video there are cats sliding across wood floors, cats falling asleep on their backs with all paws in the air, cats falling off of couches or tables after they have fallen asleep, cats falling into bathtubs, cats sliding on their backs under kitchen tables using their paws to grasp the legs to push themselves along, and cats chasing the light from a flashlight across the floors and walls. I have even seen a cat hanging from a ceiling fan. Cats are definitely curious animals and that isn’t always a good thing. It usually gets them into predicaments and I’ll be damned if there isn’t someone always there video taping it. If you want to see one of the funniest videos on YOUTUBE just do a search on FUNNY CATS. There are so many video clips out there and each one will have your gut twisted in a knot, and your legs crossed for fear you might pee yourself. This particular video is one that you can actually watch over and over and it will get funnier each time. My son and I have watched it at least five times and it still cracks me up.

See also  Cats: Top 10 Hilariously Funny YouTube Videos
