Fundraising Ideas for Organizations

Do you need more money for your organizations? Do you want to try something new? Here are some great ideas for fund raising.

Discount Cards

Discount cards are a great idea because not only do you have restaurants and other food places, but you get a discount.
The first thing you should do is find companies who want their businesses on the card. Tell them it will be good publicity for their business and they will earn more money.
Most restaurants or fast food restaurants will give you a discount, like 10% off your entire order or buy one, get one free when you show people your card.

You need to find a company or someone who will make the cards for a decent amount of money.

Sell the cards for a decent price- somewhere in between $5-10 dollars.

Cookie Dough

There are numerous businesses that sell cookie dough. Call the company ahead of time, and try to figure out the information (like what kinds of cookie dough are there? What are the sizes? And finally, what are the prices?) that you need to know. You can also call other companies and shop around for the best deal. Have the company send you the order sheets a few weeks ahead of time, and pick a date when the cookie dough will be delivered.
You might have to sell a certain amount before they send you the dough. Since the cookie dough needs to be in the freezer, make sure you have enough room to store them.


Selling cheesecakes works the same way as the cookie dough. The only problem is, if you order a lot, make sure you have room to store them. Cheesecakes must be frozen, so you will have to find room in your freezer as well.

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You can sell candy for just about any occasion. Find companies that will let you sell candy, and they will give you numerous options. You can also sell other types of food (like pretzels, chips or even pies).

Candy Bars

In high school, I sold candy bars for a dollar. You can get a carrying box and take them with you wherever you go. People will have candy bars at their house, so you can pick up more any time you run of them. I would take it to school, and sell the candy bars in between classes. Be warned though, some teachers did not want you to bring the candy to class, let alone sell it. You can make a decent amount of money by selling candy bars.


Selling hoagies was another fundraising event that I did in high school band. On a Saturday morning, we would get up early (6AM was the call time) and make the hoagies via assembly line for a few hours, then take them to our customers. I am not sure what the price is now, but it used to be around $3 a hoagie (I am sure the price went up!). The band had hoagie order forms, and the customers could order Italian with or without onions, and turkey with or without onions. This fundraiser was monthly, and was also a decent one.

Restaurant Night

Do you like to go out to eat? Who doesn’t? Have a fundraising event at a restaurant where a certain amount of the nights’ profits (maybe 10-20%) will go to the organization. Call the restaurant to find out what dates are available, and when you can do this event. Have a few dates in mind, you might not always get your first choice. Restaurants may have other events going on , so plan ahead! Print out flyers stating what organization you are fundraising for, the time, date, and percent of money that will go to the organization. Hand the flyers out to friends, family, and even co-workers (if you are allowed to- some places do not like you selling things). Go out with friends from that organization! You will only give money to the fundraising event if you have a flyer.

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Raffle Something Off

Raffle off a prize, like discount tickets to movies or make a goodie bag (it can be for a theme, or not have a theme) of other items. Go to your local malls (with your organization) and businesses, tell them what you would like to do, and ask them if they have anything they would like to donate. Do not hesitate to ask people, you might get something worth wile for your raffle! Make sure to wear shirts from your organization. This is a good opportunity for other businesses because it will be like advertising for them.

Selling candy, hoagies, candy bars, cookie dough, discount cards, and cheesecakes make excellent fundraising events. Restaurant night is a great opportunity to have fun with family, friends and enjoy good food (that you will not have to cook!). Do you have any fundraising ideas? Feel free to share them with me! I hope when you need ideas, you will use this article as a reference and suggest them to your organization.