Fun Water Games for a Kids Summer Party

If you plan on hosting a kids summer party you will want to make sure that you have plenty of activities all worked out for them. Water games are usually the main highlight of any kid’s party. Below you will find a few simple ideas and suggestions on games that you can make yourself right in your own backyard.

The first idea is to make a fishing whole. If you don’t have a swimming pool, you have the option of purchasing the small sized pool and filling it with water. You can then make your own small sized fish using construction paper. You probably think that the construction paper idea sounds a little ridiculous but it is not as bad as you may think. You are going to need some old water bottles, some string, and a long stick for this fun fishing hole. Have your children make their little fishes. Then take the old water bottles remove the labels, and place the paper fish inside. My children often find it to be a lot of fun to add names to their fish. It helps to keep it exciting for them. Once the fish are in the bottles you will want to take the cap of the bottles and use scissors to poke two small holes in them. Take the string and punch it through the hols. You should have two pieces that are even, hanging out of the top of the bottle. You will then want to tie the two ends together. Once they are all tied together, you can place the bottles into the little pool. Next take the stick and attach more string to the stick. Use a paper clip to create your hook. You basically just want to bend the paper clip open and curve it a little. Then the kids can hook the fish using the hook. The goal is to hook the string floating in the water and you have your fish.

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The next idea is to create a water maze. This is similar to an obstacle course except that they will have different roads that they can take. You can start by taking a little pool and put the little floating toys in it. I like to put the floating trees in the little pools. Or you can make your own floating pool toys. You can also use plastic balls, or other toys that your children have like sand toys that can float in the water. The kids will have to wade through the water, and collect some of the treasure on the bottom. You can toss in some loose change for the kids to hunt for. After they have collected a certain amount of change they can exit and continue through the maze. The next area should have two options. One which will take you to the left, and another which will take you to the right. The children will have to choose which way to go. Each section should have different prizes for the kids to have. You can set up a small bucket toss on one route and you can set out a few sprinklers. Two sprinklers in a row is perfect for kids to have to run through to get to the other side of the maze. You can even have a price in the middle that they have to try and pick up as they run through. Try to come up with your own creative and unique water games for your child’s party. Let your child help and use some of the suggestions above for a great summer event.