Fun Treats for Your Pet Guinea Pig

Any guinea pig owner will tell you that having a cavy in the house is fun. Guinea pigs have a sweet disposition, are easy to take care of, and are so cute. They make great pets for kids and they are not very expensive to keep. In addition, guinea pigs love to eat. They eat all day long and they like treats, too. The next time you want to give a little something special to your pet guinea pig, consider the following treats.

It is important to remember that when you feed guinea pigs treats, the treats should not take the place of regular food. You should be giving your cavy a fortified guinea pig pellets and timothy hay everyday. You should also add Vitamin C supplement to your pet’s water everyday. Treats should not equal more than ten percent of your pet’s diet. If you want to give your cavy a treat and you find that he or she does not like it, give it in small amounts. Sometimes, these animals can be a little picky and it takes time for them to like new foods.

Here is a list of treats your guinea pig will love:

Fruit: Apples, oranges (with the peel), grapes and bananas are all favorites that your guinea pig will love. When you serve your pet fruit, make sure that it is cut up in small pieces and that you take whatever they don’t eat out of the cage. Your guinea pig will probably enjoy a variety of fruit, but you can give him one type. Try making a fruit salad when you make one for yourself. You cavy will also enjoy the orange peel.

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Vegetables: Your cavy will snatch lettuce leaves and other vegetables right out of your hand. Nothing will delight your guinea more than a fresh lettuce leaf or a carrot stick. Remember that too much lettuce or spinach leaves could cause diarrhea, so do not overdo it. Instead, consider giving your guinea pig a salad mixture with mostly carrots and a little leafy greens. Sliced bell peppers are also excellent choices. You should not, however, feed your guinea pig stringy vegetables, such as celery, unless they are cut into very small pieces.

Yogurt: You may have seen yogurt covered treats for guinea pigs at your local pet store. Guinea pigs like yogurt in small doses. Perhaps offer your cavy a fruit salad mixed with a little yogurt. Be prepared for a very happy guinea pig and a very big mess!

Dandelions: Yes, you can give your guinea pig a dandelion and he or she will love it! However, if you opt to do this, it is very important that you do not feed your animal anything that has been treated with chemicals, such as pesticides or fertilizer.

Vegetarian dog biscuits: You should not feed your guinea pig any kind of animal product (that contains meat), however you can buy yummy dog biscuits that are vegetarian and you will find that your cavy will love them. If you have trouble finding vegetarian dog biscuits, check with your local pet store.

Cheerios, Kix cereal and graham crackers: These are wonderful occasional treats for your guinea pigs. They will appreciate the crunchiness and the sweetness of these types of treats. Just be careful of sugar content. Too much is not health for your guinea pig.

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There are some foods you should avoid when feeding your guinea pig treats. Too much lettuce (especially iceberg) is not good. Also, you should avoid shelled nuts and seeds and rhubarb. If you opt for pre-made guinea pig treat sticks, make certain that these treats do not contain shelled seeds such as sunflowers. They can easily choke.

You can show your cute little guinea pig a little love by providing them with delicious and nutritious treats every once in awhile. Your guinea pig will thank you for it!