Fun Things for Kids to Do on Summer Vacation

Summertime can be an extremely fun time or an extremely boring time for children out on summer vacation. There are millions of fun activities for children to do, however, with the abundance of video games; television, and computers, children no longer enjoy the wonders of life in the summertime. In this article we will explore several things for kids to do to have a fun summer vacation.

Field trips

Going on trips to the zoo, fire station, museum, or a nature walk can turn a boring summer afternoon into a fantastic experience. Parents can even take their children to the post office and let them mail a letter to themselves and wait for it to come back. Simple yet fun field trips can be an excellent way to keep your kids happy.

Other cool field trip ideas:

Visit to local police department.

Tour an old house in the city.

Go to a dairy farm.

Go to a botanical garden.


Kids love making messes and what better way then to finger-paint. Kids can finger-paint with shaving cream on colored construction or poster paper. They can decorate a small pot with finger-paint and then plant a seed and watch it grow.


They can imaginary paint the side of the house with a clean paintbrush and bucket of water. They can paint a rock and let it dry. They can paint a pretty summer scene. Thousands of ideas can be concocted when it comes to painting.

Fake food

Kids can make mud pies with mud, sticks, and twigs. You can let the kids play outside with old pots and pans and water. Put soapy water in a sink with spoons, eggbeaters, and plastic dishes and let them play while you cook. Let the kids play with or make their own play dough and whip up little pretend treats.

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Things to do with a Box

Take a large appliance box, flatten it and have the kids make a mural with paint, crayons, or markers. Flatten a large box and make it an airport runway for little planes, you can use masking tape to mark the different lanes. Use a refrigerator box to make a rocket ship. Make a clubhouse or a secret hide out of a huge box. The kids can put pillows in the hideout to make it comfortable.

The kids can make box robots out of different sized boxes. Tape boxes together and make a super cool tunnel. Make a submarine out of a big box. You can help the kids cut out their own porthole in the sub. Make a lemonade stand out of a box. Make a grocery store out of a large box and then make shelves and put empty cans, cereal boxes and cartons. Kids can make their own play money for the grocery store too.


Girls love dolls so why not accommodate their favorite toy? Make a dollhouse out of a box. Make little doll furniture for the dollhouse out of boxes. Have the kids cut out paper dolls out of a paper doll book or a catalog. Make doll clothes out of old clothes and thread. Girls can get their baby doll and dress them in old baby clothes.

Other great ideas:

Make a bird feeder by rolling a pinecone in peanut butter and birdseed and then hang it from a tree with string.

Kids love magnifying glasses, so why not encourage them to go on a cool adventure with their own. Try to keep them from burning small bugs with them.

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Buy a goldfish and let the kids watch and take care of them.

Use a paper towel tube as a cool tunnel for hot wheels.

Have the kids design their own placemats with cardboard paper and then laminate or cover with clear contact paper for protection.

Make cool Superman capes out of old sheets or clothes.

Let the kids play dress up in your old clothes.

Make beanbags out of old material and let the kids play toss.

Encourage the kids to have a race or go on a jog.

Play basketball, baseball, soccer or other outdoor sports.

Make a puppet theatre out of a large box.

Study and make an insect collection.

Get the kids a slip n’ slide and let them rip through the backyard with the sprinklers.

Get the kids a pool and let them go swimming.

Make a huge slingshot for a cool water balloon fight.

Make a cool volcano by making a huge pile of dirt at least 6 to 10 inches high. Make a hole down the middle and then fill with baking soda and red food coloring. Pour some vinegar down the hole and watch the extreme eruption.

You can get the kids involved in a summer camp program.

Let the kids play in the sprinklers in the backyard.

Design crossword puzzles for the kids.

Go on a lunch outing at a local park.

I hope that God willing your children will have a safe and fun summer vacation.


  • A Mother’s Manual for Summer Survival by Kathy Peel and Joy Mahaffey