From Crib to Toddler Loft Bed

Before children get to sleep in their own room, they often start sleeping in the crib. After birth, the child’s first bed is the crib. As he or she grows he or she will continue to sleep in the crib. However, as the child grows bigger, it may be time for you to start looking for a new bed for him or her. Children are often scared of big things like big rooms, big closets, and even big beds. This is the reason why you need a transition bed, the kind of bed that is small enough not to scare him but big enough to fit him. The best type of transition bed is the toddler loft bed.

Toddler loft beds are not the same with your regular loft bed. The size alone is different because the toddler loft bed is smaller and shorter. Toddler loft beds are small enough to fit your toddler and low enough for your toddler to climb up and down safely. Another reason why a toddler loft bed is ideal is the fact that toddlers are active and love to climb up and down the stairs. Giving them a bed where they can do all the climbing is a good way to tire them out. Your toddler might view the toddler bed as another mountain to climb or another adventure to embark on.

Despite the fact that your toddler can be adventurous it is still important that you consider safety when choosing a toddler loft bed for him. Keep in mind that your toddler won’t be unable to tell whether or not that bed is safe for him therefore it is your responsibility to make sure that it is. When choosing a toddler loft bed, make sure that the unit is sturdy. If the unit is somewhat shaky, ditch it and look for another. High quality toddler loft beds may be expensive, but it will be all worth it as long as your child is safe.

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A toddler loft bed has to age appropriate as well. Most toddler loft beds come with add-ons. These add-ons are used in order to encourage independence. However, do not forget that your toddler is still unable to tell which is good or which is bad you have to set some limits. Do not offer a lot of freedom by attaching a lot of add-ons on his new toddler loft bed. Keep it simple as much as possible. As the toddler grows and learns more skills you can attach more add-ons.

Aside from being sturdy, a toddler loft bed has to be made from child friendly materials. This is important because children at this age tend to be sensitive. If you bought a painted toddler loft bed make sure that the paint used doesn’t contain any form of heavy metals like lead and mercury. In addition to that, the toddler loft bed should not contain small parts which the child can choke on. All parts of the toddler loft bed should be in one piece.

Finding the perfect toddler loft bed may be challenging, but once you find it you and your child will certainly enjoy it.
