Free Outdoor Summer Activities in Rochester, Minnesota

In Rochester, Minnesota, summer is probably the best time to find free outdoor activities. Summer is the time to become reacquainted with Rochester’s year-round population of geese at Silver Lake, make new friends with the zoo animals at Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo, and explore the spiritual wonders of Quarry Hill Nature Center. Read this quick guide to three free outdoor summer activities in Rochester, Minnesota.

1. Silver Lake

One of the most popular destinations for families in Rochester, Silver Lake is best known for attracting literally thousands of giant Canadian geese each year. Although the city has voted to remove the feeding bins that have popularly been used by visitors to attract geese, Silver Lake shall remain a distinctive part of Rochester’s environment for both new visitors and regular passersby. Part of the city bike trail system weaves straight through the area of Silver Lake that is populated by geese, and there are still water activities or sports to draw regular visitors in to this area of the lake. Plus animal and bird lovers will never get sick of stopping by to visit the ever-present geese, and even without the feeding bins, people who are truly interested in feeding the geese can’t be prevented from bringing their own food with which to entice these large birds. If you get there early enough in the spring or summer season, you may still be privy to the various new families of yellow-gray goslings following every Mother Goose. The gorgeous scenery of Silver Lake is another reason to stop by for a visit. Just remember to bring a camera.

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2. Quarry Hill Nature Center

My personal favorite destination in Rochester is the Quarry Hill Nature Center. Quarry Hill is a city park that spans 290 acres and connects with the city’s 80 miles of recreational bike trails. In addition, Quarry Hill boasts a 2-acre fishing pond replete with lily pads, turtles, ducks, frogs, and dragonflies in the summer. Hike along the wooded trails to reach the restored Oak Savanna that covers 20 acres and which is also adjacent to the old quarry itself. There are also hiking trails that will lead you to a few of the hills that lend the most spectacular views overlooking the entire city of Rochester, Minnesota, and will likely bring you a closer view of the timid deer who inhabit the wooded areas of Quarry Hill. If you do plan on exploring the park off the beaten path, make sure to wear sturdy shoes and clothes that you don’t mind getting muddied because I’ve encountered many situations in which I found myself ankle-deep in mud or water in order to experience the most unrestrained wonders of this resplendent and tranquil park.

3. Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo

Although Oxbow Park is really in Byron, Minnesota, it is a short enough drive to be another requisite destination for the outdoor explorer in Rochester. As with Quarry Hill, Oxbow Park also has miles of hiking trails for its visitors to uncover. However, the main drawing point to this park is the Zollman Zoo which boasts native Minnesotan animals such as a black bear, gray wolves, turkey vultures, a bobcat, otters, and even a pair of bald eagles. It also includes a petting zoo with friendly animals such as goats, a pony, and a donkey. Across the road is a fenced-off area behind which are families of bison, elk, and deer, as well as picturesque fields full of beautiful wildflowers.

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Overall, nature enthusiasts of Rochester, Minnesota, shouldn’t have any trouble at all enjoying their time with all these free summer activities for the outdoors.
