Free Online Writing Courses

Whatever you want to do, never let money get in the way of it. If you can’t find a book in your local library, then you can look online. If you’ve ever wanted to write a book, there are several free courses online to get you started to being a published author.

The Basics
Write 101
Learning how to write is easy with this site. There are over 800 pages about writing, and they give a free writing lessons. Whatever subject you are interested in, romance, songwriting, business writing, they have it covered. Write 101 also offers a free newsletter with tips, resources, help for students, parents, businesses, and resumes. If you need to start from the beginning, this is the website to embrace.

The Good Part
Writer 2 Writer has the following free writing courses:
Outside The Square Fiction Workshop
This is a mini-course of what is in the complete version of the ebook. Written by Cheryl Wright, an Australian award-winning writer. A couple of the things that you will be learning is how to master creating a plot. Cheryl has a fool-proof technique that is sure to win over everyone you will send your manuscript to. Another part of the ebook is learning how to create characters, in which she describes as a secret and easy way.

Ebook Marketing Secrets Course
Publishing ebooks is very popular today, learn how to create and market your own ebook, and earn plenty of money.

Short Story Writing Workshop
This course gives you the basics of short story writing, but also relates to writing novels.

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6 Steps To Create Your Own Products Online
A three part mini-course about creating your own ebook or information product and selling it online.

5 Part Copywriting Course
Copywriting is a very lucrative career. Learn the basics of copywriting and just how much money can be made.

Even Better
Is a collaboration of Angela Booth and Birgitt Thursby. Angela Booth is an Australian journalist and author who writes about womens issues, technology and business. If you sign up for their free monthly ezine you will have access to three incredible mini-courses.

Get Paid To Write A Book-3 Day Mini-Course
This course is an excerpt of their ebook “7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Book”. They say this is different from other ebooks that may seem the same. Their ebook shows you how to get your book proposal written very quickly in several easy steps. This is really good. While many people are sitting at their computers or typewriter, professional writers are getting their books sold by writing a book proposal. This course tells you that it is easy to make $10,000 quickly, or even make six figures, or seven figures-one million dollars for just 20 written pages. All you need is a very good idea, no experience necessary to write a book proposal. Learn all about it in the mini-course.

Internet Money Machine For Writers 3-Day Mini-Course
This course shows you how to use the Internet to literally explode your profits. You won’t find these sources in any writers guidebook. This is based on their Complete Writing To Sell In The Internet Age Workshop.

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Freelance Copywriting 3-Day Mini-Course
This mini-course is all about how to start your own business in copywriting. You create your hours and work from home writing for businesses and earning a terrific income.

Fiction Writer’s Connection
Learn all about how to write a synopsis for a novel.

Suite 101
Writing A Children’s Book 8 Part Course

A 7 part Screenwriting course
Thousands of people were successful with this course, improve your screenplay and sharpen your skills.

Hypnotic Screenwriting
A 7 part Screenwriting course
Learn about the changes in Hollywood, use unconscious techniques to sell your screenplay and learn how you can make money from free screenwriting podcasts and more.

I think I’ve just about covered everything about writing, so get to creating your first best selling book!
