Free “Naruto” App Favorites: Bring Out the Ninja in You

As always, technology these days has me wanting more. Thank goodness my android helps me stay connected with one of my favorite television shows when fillers have all but taken over the channel.


NarutoQuotes is one of the most inspiring “Naruto” apps I’ve come across. Besides the hyperactive ninja himself, this app contains several different quotations from other participating characters of the anime series, including phrases from important characters like Sasuke, Gaara, Master Jiraiya, and Lady Tsunade. With quotes from such a vast list of “Naruto” characters included on the app, the creators have made it more than clear that they know what they are doing. In conclusion, I give NarutoQuotes a five star rating.

Naruto Shippuden

The Naruto Shippuden app is definitely worth checking out. It lets you watch every completed episode of the series at full-length and without any interruption in between. It’s more affordable than buying the seasons on discs and much more convenient than waiting for the episodes to air on television.

The quality is decent enough and there’s no vocal or visual stuttering to worry about. Even though the show has been recorded in the Japanese language, English subtitles are included. Thankfully, the font is simple and easy to read. That being said, I would definitely recommend this app to anyone interested in this super awesome television series about the coolest ninja in the world.

Photo for Naruto Lite

Photo for Naruto Lite is a great escape from reality. With this app, a “Naruto” fan can readily insert a photo of himself standing next to his favorite ninja. Furthermore, those seeking a little more involvement may be interested in experiencing what they would look like kicking butt in his bright orange suit. Because the creators of this app thought of just about everything, it came incredibly close to receiving a five star rating from fans on the iTunes website.

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Nothing spells fun like these Naruto apps so try them out for yourself today!