Where to Get Free, Online Education

I am forever curious. My curiosity spans many different subjects. I am always questing to learn new things. In my search of the Internet for new educational sources, I ran across a great Web site a couple years ago. The Web site is For others with a thirst for knowledge of varied subjects, this is a Web site that is definitely worth a visit. The best part is all of the online courses at are free.

I ran across this Web site a few years ago when I was looking to brush up on a few math skills that I hadn’t used in quite some time. I was surprised to find just what I was looking for, a course in trigonometry. The course was well put together and I found it pretty easy to follow along with all of the lessons. In just a few days I was doing trigonometry problems again. This was so much fun I decided to try a few more courses.

I spent the next few months off and on taking various courses that I had interest in. I brushed up on many of my long unused math skills. I spent some time studying accounting and various other business courses. I also enjoyed taking some of the construction trade courses.

I found that each course I took was well thought out and I was able to learn a lot. From time to time I revisit this Web site to see what is new and take more courses that interest me.

I recommend a few of the courses for anyone. One of the free courses I think everyone should take is Small Business Bookkeeping and Accounting. Even if you do not have a small business or ever plan to have one, the basic accounting and bookkeeping skills you will learn apply to tracking your personal finances. You will gain a good understanding of basic accounting by taking this free course. All of the information is presented in a way for the non-accountant that is in most of us to easily understand.

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For those of us in management positions or managing a small business, take a few days to study the Principles of Modern Management course. This course delves into many areas of management that are useful. Topics that are covered include theory, multi-cultural environments, planning and strategy, leadership and organizational structure to name just a few.

There are so many courses to take that everyone should find at least a few courses of study that interest them. Many of the courses cover topics that we all learned in high school and college but need to just brush up on. Enjoy learning about everything from auto mechanics to human anatomy. Delve into politics or brush up on your algebra skills.

Now don’t think you are going to be able to get a college degree out of this. is not for those seeking a degree. It is, however, an excellent source for college students looking to supplement their education. It is most rewarding for those of us that simply thirst for knowledge.

This is the largest and most diverse free educational Web site I have found. There are no tests and no grades. There are no teachers or evaluations to worry about. You can just take your time and study the wide variety of courses offered at your own leisure. There is no need to sign up for anything either. All you have to do is visit the Web site, choose the courses that interest you and enjoy your study time. is truly one of the few free things on the Internet that delivers a quality product.

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