Free Earth Day Printable Coloring Pages

2009 has rolled around, and with it a whole host of environmental issues like global warming, endangered wildlife and deforestation. The future belongs to the children of today, and Earth Day is the perfect time for youngsters to become aware of the need to care for our environment. For very young children, one of the best ways to make them aware is through coloring pages and posters. Working on topics like recycling and ‘Save the Earth’ instils responsibility in their young minds, and hopefully, would carry on into their adult years.

Here is a list of coloring pages and books available online which are perfect for the occasion of Earth Day. Just print them out and hand them to your kids, and talk to them about the meaning of Earth Day while they fill in the colors!

This free printable coloring book by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is 12 pages of fun, educational material that is bound to get any child involved in taking care of the Earth. The messages in this coloring resource include recycling, saving water, conserving electricity and keeping their environment clean.

2. has a great selection of coloring pages which feature endangered wildlife and ‘Save the Earth’ themes.

This website offers 10 beautiful coloring pages which can be printed for a child to color in, or be colored online. These pages require a Flash 10 plug-in to view or print.

4. offers 20 delightful colouring pages, of which 10 can be printed in black and white or color (these can be used as Earth Day posters), while the other 10 are in black and white.

See also  Free Earth Day Coloring Pages

This website has a page-wise listing of the EPA book listed above, along with coloring pages for frogs, fish, and ‘Creature of the Month. The Reduce, Reuse, Recycle set of printable coloring books is especially useful for teaching children about the environment around them.

6. is another website with a fun coloring page listed for Earth Day. The smiling planet Earth with arms outstretched is absolutely irresistible! While you’re there, you might want to visit some of the other coloring pages featured by this talented creator.

7. has 11 coloring pages on the site, with recycling and ‘Save the Earth’ themes.

Here are 3 cute and spunky coloring pages that promote the ‘Earth Day’ theme in a fun way.

9. has 3 coloring pages up for grabs on its website: Plant a Tree, Recycle and Let’s Celebrate Earth Day. Go ahead and check them out!

10. offers a selection of 6 coloring pages with the Earth Day theme. These range from recycling to butterflies and sea shells.

11. has a very cute coloring page to offer, which features characters based on planets, vegetables and the weather. This is an extremely fun and quirky coloring page for Earth Day. Don’t miss it!

This website has Earth Day coloring pages featuring seven Arctic animals, as well as interesting facts about each of them.
