Free Cures for Insomnia

Sleep problems such as insomnia are among the most irritating hassles known to mankind. Having spent a number of years suffering from insomnia, I have become a bit of an expert at natural, free cures for insomnia. Fortunately, cures for insomnia are usually as simple as making some adjustments to your surroundings or pattern before sleep. Many people spend hundreds of dollars per year on expensive sleep aids that create addiction and frustration over time. Here are a number of free cures for insomnia that will work for most people with this sleep problem.

Free Cure For Insomnia Tip Number One

Put away the alcohol after dinner. Alcohol is not good for sleep contrary to what you might think when you are sloshed. Alcohol not only can cause you to have a bad hangover. It can also cause you to have a lack of deep sleep and dreams. Have your last drink after you eat dinner, and put it away for a free cure for insomnia. By the way, passing out and sleeping are two different things, so do not expect passing out drunk to count as sleep.

Free Cure For Insomnia Tip Number Two

Many people do not consider room temperature when they are dealing with insomnia. The perfect temperature for maximum sleep potential is around 60 degrees. Many people like it colder or hotter than that, but they are hurting their sleep potential by going to those extremes.

Free Cure For Insomnia Tip Number Three

Exercise is one of the best ways to prepare for a free good nights sleep free of insomnia. Many sleep patterns are messed up simply because they have not properly exercised, or exercised to late in the evening. Only exercise in the early part of the evening so your body can slow down for sleep to prevent insomnia.

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Free Cure For Insomnia Tip Number Four

Stop the smoking and caffeine right before bed. Amazingly, people still do these things in spite of their struggles with insomnia. The truth is, you might as well put a marching band in your bedroom if you are going to do these things just before bed. They are easily the number one reason for lack of sleep in the world today.

Free Cure For Insomnia Tip Number Five

Get yourself a sleep schedule and stick to it. Many insomniacs go to bed at various times throughout the week, and this will play havoc with your sleep capabilities. Take some time to think out a logical schedule and stick to it. The first week will be tough and you may have some nights of little sleep, but over time your body will adjust to it.

These are certainly not all the free cures for insomnia that are out there, but they certainly would be a great start. If you suffer from insomnia, try these free natural cures for insomnia before diving into the cycle of sleeping pills that are out there. You might be surprised at the result.