Free Baby Shower Games That Are Fun

Free baby shower games seem to be something that people are always looking for because at a baby shower one of the best parts other than giving away clothing for the new child that will be coming into the Earth soon is playing games! However, for many people the games at baby showers cost them money that they might not have because they want to save money up for the baby. I know at my baby shower I had several games that were played and they were all very fun and the best part was they were free baby shower games that I was able to play! Here are some of the best free baby shower games that I have played while at baby showers.

The first free baby shower game that you can play is one of the old standby games that I am sure most people have played at some point of time during their life if they have been to a baby shower. That free baby shower game involves some toilet paper and a piece of paper. Now I know that toilet paper is not free, but for most of us we always have several extra rolls of toilet paper laying around our homes. The fun part of this is every has to guess how many sheets of toilet paper it is going to take to wrap around the proud and expectant mothers belly. The winner will be the one closest to the proper number or have the exact number. The prize for this fun free baby shower game will be what ever is determined by you as the person hosting the baby shower.

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The second fun free baby shower game is one that could take some time to actually discover the winner. That is to have everyone try to guess the weight of the new baby when it is born. I know that this can be one of the more fun free baby shower games that you can play, but you will want to keep track of the closest person in a notebook that you will not lose and that way you will be able to place the memory of this free baby shower game in your baby book so that even your little one can remember the game.

The third fun and free baby shower game would be to play some of your normal party games that would be played at any party. I know that this is going to be a little old, but it does work as being a great addition to a free baby shower game and can help put the expectant mother at ease if she is not comfortable with the other two games. So if you do not have any other games in your home though this option might not be a free baby shower game that you can play at your baby shower.

For some people these free baby shower games might not seem like fun at first, but once you get involved in your own free baby shower games you will find out that they can be very fun. So you will want to try all three of these free baby shower games that will help you out in saving money on your baby shower.