Fourth of July Trivia for Your Party

Fourth of July Trivia is not only fun it can be educational as well, and with the interesting facts here, you can have fun at your special Fourth of July party. The answers will follow the trivia directly in italics, so you can print off this page for your Fourth of July party and let the fun begin.

We have all heard about the Liberty Bell during our early school years as children growing up within America.

1. The Liberty Bell is a huge part of early American History, as we all know. Was there only one Liberty Bell cast?

2. The Liberty Bell is a symbol of freedom here within America but when was it last rang?

3. Our National Anthem is The Star Spangled Banner” as well all know but who wrote it?

4. We all know that the Fourth of July is also called Independence Day, but why is it celebrated as the most important American holiday of the year?

5. Which American President also celebrated his birthday on the Fourth of July?

6. Three American Presidents died on the Fourth of July who were these great men.

7. When did the Fourth of July become a legal holiday?

There is no grading, nor scoring and your reward is a job well done or perhaps a little education!

Questions and answers for the Fourth of July trivia

The Liberty Bell is a huge part of early American History, as we all know. Was there only one Liberty Bell cast?

According to historical facts the first two versions of the Liberty Bell were defective and were melted back down and recast.

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The Liberty Bell is a symbol of freedom here within America but when was it last rang?

The third Liberty Bell rang on every Fourth of July from 1778 until it cracked in 1835 it has since remained quiet.

Our National Anthem is The Star Spangled Banner” as well all know but who wrote it?

Frances Scott Key wrote this beloved song and it was set to an English drinking song titled “To Anacreon in Heaven.

We all know that the Fourth of July is also called Independence Day, but why is it celebrated as the most important American holiday of the year?

This was the day that the declaration of Independence was singed in Philadelphia Pennsylvania back in 1776. It is also America‘s birth date, and one, which is celebrated by fireworks, parades, picnics and of course by flying the flag,

Which American President also celebrated his birthday on the Fourth of July?

Calvin Coolidge the 30th president was born July, 4, 1872 in Plymouth Vermont, so he was born on America‘s birthday.

Three American Presidents died on the Fourth of July who were these great men.

John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe

When did the Fourth of July become a legal holiday?

The fourth of July became a holiday in 1941, before that it was just observed as a national holiday.

Happy Birthday America, and I wish all those celebrating her birthday within her beautiful borders has a happy, safe, and healthy Fourth of July.
