Four Stretches to Relieve Headaches and Neck Pain – Start Out Your Day Pain Free

Headaches and neck pain are often caused by stiff muscles in the neck and shoulders. Stiff muscles in the neck and shoulders can be caused by a variety of things. Poor posture, stress, sitting for long periods of time, sleeping in a bad position, bulging discs and etc.

The pain from headaches and neck pain can range from bothersome to excruciating. If you are experiencing headaches or neck pain, it is always a good idea to see a doctor to make sure that you do not have a serious condition.

Stretching can help to relieve headaches and neck pain. Even if you do not have any pain, stretches can help prevent headaches and neck pain.

Doing these four stretches only takes a few minutes and are great way to start out your day. A warm towel can be held around the back of the neck for extra pain relief.

All of these stretches can be done from either a sitting or standing position. Make sure to have straight posture when performing these stretches. Use slow and deliberate movements when doing the following stretches.

Repeat each of the following stretches three to five times.

1) Start with your head pointed forward. Slowly turn your head to the left and hold for a few seconds. Slowly turn your head back to the starting position and hold for a few seconds. Slowly turn your head to the right and hold for a few seconds. Bring your head back to the starting position.

2) Start with your head pointed forward. Slowly tilt your head back so that you are looking up and hold for a few seconds. Slowly bring your head back to the starting position.. Tilt your head down so that your are looking down and hold for a few seconds. Bring your head back to the starting position.

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3) Start with your head pointed forward. Slowly bend your head to the left side so that your left ear is pointing towards your left shoulder and hold for a few seconds. Bring your head back to the starting position. Slowly bend your head to the right side so that your right ear is pointing towards your right shoulder and hold for a few seconds. Bring your head back to the starting position.

4) Looking straight ahead and making sure to have straight posture, slowly bring your shoulders up towards your ears and hold for a few seconds. Slowly bring your shoulders back down.