Four Freelance Online Writing Jobs

Aspiring writers often head to the internet to look for their first freelance online writing jobs. Unlike traditional freelance magazine writing , web writers will discover a fast paced world with quick turnaround and a large amount of variety. Job seekers might feel overwhelmed as they view their options, especially when looking for something that suits their style with words, looks decent in a writing portfolio, or simply isn’t a scam. Let’s take a look at four legitimate job markets for web writers.

Writing Web Content

Many websites are looking for freelance writers to help fill their pages with useful, informative content – specifically content that people might be using search engines to find. Effective web content writers will know a thing or two about keyword research search engine optimization (SEO), so they can offer their clients the most visitors for their money. Some clients will give their writers a brief tutorial on SEO before the writing begins.

Web content gigs can be long term or short, and the pay greatly varies between clients. Those writing for websites sometimes referred to as “content mills” might get paid less, but the job will be more flexible and will usually supply work much longer. Landing these jobs is usually as easy as submitting your name, email address and a couple quality writing samples . Securing private clients can be more time consuming and competitive, but also more lucrative.

The Online Copywriter

Writing web copy is more advertorial than writing web content. Instead of trying to inform the reader, your goal will be to convince him to buy. Your writing might appear on websites, social media, eBay or Etsy. Any business trying to establish a web presence has use for a professional online copywriter. You can find help wanted ads on job boards, such as Craig’s List, or you can practice your sales skills by making a few cold calls or shooting off some emails to businesses who might benefit from your services.

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Freelance Blogging Jobs

Not only do online writers make money from their own blogs, you can freelance your skills to other people’s blogs as well. Several years ago blogs used to be a one-man show, but today more and more blogs are becoming a network of writers. You can find a steady gig as a regular contributor to a blog, or you might only submit a few posts for payment. Some businesses will even hire freelance internet writers to entirely take over their blogs as a ghostwriter. Tracking down these jobs might be tricky. Scour the job boards, but you might have to check individual blogs periodically as well to see if they are hiring more writers.

Ebook Writers

Similar to blogging, you can either write your own ebooks to sell, or you can get hired by someone else to write or contribute to their own ebook. Ebooks are getting easier to publish, and more popular to purchase by the day. Freelance writers can create a profitable career as an ebook ghostwriter. Some of these projects may take a lot of your time, so make sure you can truly commit before searching these gigs out on the job boards.

Which Kind is Best for You?

There is no one-size-fits-all best job for any writer. Some freelancers will need the flexibility and ease of writing for a large content site. Others will want the competitive nature and high rates that come with being an online copywriter. For those who want a lot of independence and don’t mind working long and hard before turning a profit, blogging and ebook writing could be the perfect fit. Evaluate your own goals and needs, and don’t be afraid of trying out a variety of jobs before settling down in your freelance writing career.