Forty Over Forty and ED

Forty over forty and ED

I turned Forty six years old on July 5th of this year. I thought it would be interesting to learn what men over forty years of age have to look forward to in their lives. The new thing out there is forty over forty. Forty percent of men over forty get ED (erectile Dysfunction). I have seen figures as high as fifty percent of men over forty get ED. Luckily, I am not there yet. This means I have another thing to look forward to as I age. Hurray! In the coming weeks, I will try to look into the humor of men and aging. I am aging, so I might as well laugh about it before I cry.

There is humor in ED. Erectile Dysfunction affects millions of men over the age of forty in the United States. I know, it’s not funny if you have ED. You remember back in your teens and twenties, you thought you were it. You were the man. Nothing could stop you. You would never die. Than you woke up out of your dreams and suddenly you were forty years old. Men you know in their teens and twenties are now calling you old. You are no longer the man. You are getting closer to death every day. Parts of your body are not working like they used to.

You are one of the men who have ED. You go to the doctor and find out the causes of ED.

  • Diabetes (high blood sugar)
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
  • Stress, anxiety or depression
  • Alcohol and tobacco use
  • Some prescription medications, such as antidepressants, pain medicine and medicine for high blood pressure
  • Fatigue
  • Brain or spinal-cord injuries
  • Hypogonadism (which leads to lower testosterone levels)
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Radiation therapy to the testicles
  • Stroke
  • Some types of prostate or bladder surgery (
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Not only do you have ED, you have a medical problem that causes your ED. You have to face the reality that you are getting old. Your body is dying and you can do nothing about it. Now you are asking me, where does humor come into the picture of ED. Aging is funny. A man gets ED. He wants the doctor to give him something to make the problem better. The doctor prescribes him the pill. The problem is the pill (Viagra) makes your heartbeat beat faster. If you have high blood pressure, this only adds to your problems. You are just happy part of your body works again.

The humor is the forty year old man worries about one thing, his performance in the bedroom. He wants to be like he was in his teens and twenties. Most men forget to look at the underlying problem that caused his ED. Many men are willing to forget about their health problems, so they can perform in the bedroom. A man may stay away from the doctor for most of his life and ignore his health problems. On the other hand, if his sex organ does not work, he is more willing to go to the doctor and get it fixed.

I know, there is no real humor in ED. It is something none of us men look forward to. Think about it. Forty percent of men over forty are affected by ED in some way. Just wait until you find out all of the other health problems you will have to deal with (as a man) when you pass the age of forty. Face it. You are no longer indestructible. You are getting older. As you age, remember to look at yourself in the mirror and laugh. Otherwise, you are going to spend most of your time crying. ED is a warning signal to men. It is time for you to change your lifestyle.

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