Former ‘Bachelor’ Contestant Rozlyn Papa Gives Reality Steve Details About ‘Bachelor’ Scandal – and What’s Next for Her

On the heels of her controversial appearance on ABC’S The Bachelor: The Women Tell All episode last week, Blogger “Reality” Steve Carbone interviewed axed Bachelor contestant Rozlyn Papa in a podcast that was posted on his website.

Papa, a 28 year old single mom, was unceremoniously booted off ABC’s The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love this season amidst rumors of her “inappropriate relationship” with a producer on the show. This season’ s Bachelor, Jake Pavelka, blogged on that “being cheated on sucks” and also wrote, “Yes, the rumors of her [Papa] cheating on me with a staff member are 100 percent true, with no embellishment”.

One interesting point Papa brought up early on in her interview on was that contestants don’t know who the Bachelor will be when they sign up for the show, a strange fact considering the show’s goal is supposed to be an engagement.

On Papa’s “Scandal” with a Bachelor Producer

During the interview Reality Steve bluntly asked Papa if she, at any point during her stay in the Bachelor house, had any sort of romantic physical relationship with Bachelor producer, Ryan Callahan. Papa acknowledged friendly hugs, but nothing more. She also admitted to a flirtation between the two, saying “I don’t think anyone else got as close as us”.

Papa said there was “an incredible amount of alcohol flowing in the house” but added that alcohol did not play a factor in her relationship with Callahan.

On the Show’s “Storylines”

Another interesting fact Papa brought up was the show’s storyboard rooms. Papa claims to have seen a paper with her storyline mapped out, with the phrase “This season’s Wes?” written about her, a reference to last season’s Bachelorette villain, Wes Hayden.

Papa admitted Callahan implied to her that he couldn’t really do his job (as a producer) with her.

On Her Relationship With Callahan

Reality Steve wanted to know- was Papa ever physically or romantically attracted to Callahan? Papa told Reality Steve she was not physically attracted to him, all the while reiterating they were just friends.

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When Steve asked her what her actual relationship with Callahan is right now, she said again they are friends, but she has stepped back as he works on his career, so they are less friendly now.

Reality Steve pointed out that many fans of The Bachelor have lashed out at Papa because Callahan was supposedly a married man. According to Carbone, Papa’s stint on The Bachelor was filmed in October 2009 and Callahan was already divorced at the time (he and his wife were supposedly divorced during the spring of 2009).

On Her “Release” from The Show

On the day she was kicked off the show, Papa says she was upset because the producers had tried to make it seem as though she were hiding the fact that she had a son from Bachelor Jake Pavelka. In reality, Papa says her ex would not sign an agreement for their son to appear on camera. So, unlike past single parents on The Bachelor and Bachelorette, there could never be a kid-friendly date with Papa’s son, Aiden, showing up to surprise her (single mom contestant Ella enjoyed a Sea World date with Jake and her own son instead). Papa told Reality Steve she confronted the producers about the fact that she was not hiding her son from Pavelka and had a bit of a fit earlier on the day that she was ultimately “released” from the show.

Reality Steve also addressed a common question among Bachelor fans: Why didn’t Papa seem more upset when host Chris Harrison chastised her for her “inappropriate relationship”? Papa says it was because when Harrison approached her, he didn’t imply that her relationship with Callahan was sexual (the show later portrayed it to look that way). In fact, Papa claims it never crossed her mind that the show would go that route, instead just assuming her close friendship with Callahan was the reason she was asked to leave the show(she had also threatened to go to the press when she caught wind of the storyline that she was trying to “hide” her son from Pavelka).

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Papa admitted that Callahan confided in her, favorited her and helped her out during her time in the Bachelor house, at one point even letting her use his phone to call her son.

Papa told Reality Steve she figured the show was just fed up with her “BS” and “big mouth”. She was also told she was “not producible”. Papa also confirmed something every Bachelor fan probably already knows-she said the show is very choppy and edited, calling it a “super, super edited show”,

Carbone also asked her why Callahan hasn’t made a statement regarding the scandal and she reiterated that he is in a “hard situation” but also that his silence “hurts, it doesn’t feel good”

Reality Steve probed further asking her if she thought ABC could possibly be paying Callahan to “go along” with their version of the “affair” story. Papa said she hoped not. But, indeed, his silence could be taken wither way.

Reality Steve wondered why, if nothing happened, would ABC go so far as to fire Callahan? Papa said the contracts that the contestants and producers sign are insane. She also confirmed that the contract she signed says the show can “defame” contestants and contestants can’t sue for defamation.

The Women Tell All Show

Papa told Reality Steve she had not idea how the Women Tell All episode would play out. After being sequestered from the other women for 3 or 4 hours, (she was given veggies and dip to snack on) Papa came out to an ambush from host Chris Harrison- and from several of the other 15 contestants who were already on stage.

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She says the other girls felt a lot of pressure to things about her during the Women Tell All taping. Papa denied some of the accusations the other contestants had against her, especially stories from contestants Ella and Jessie. When Reality Steve point blank asked her how many times did she not sleep in her room, Papa told him of one night when she was up late talking to producers and just fell asleep on the couch. She claims Callahan was not even at the Bachelor house that night.

A common question asked by Bachelor fans is, if the “affair” between Papa and the producer was so blatant, why was not one second of it caught on tape? Papa herself wants to know the answer to that one.

On her comment to Chris Harrison about how he allegedly “hitting on his [the producer’s] wife in new Zealand”, Papa said Harrison was the one who made it into a personal attack.

Reality Steve also asked her if she was paid to participate on the show and she said no, although she claims the Bachelor or Bachelorette are paid.

Finally, Papa told Reality Steve she recently did a “general audition” for the E Network, saying E is a great match for her and she hopes something works out with them.

One thing is for sure, it’s doubtful Bachelor fans have heard the last of Rozyln Papa.
