Forest Fires: Manmade vs. Natural Causes

In 2007, there were 85,707 reported wildfires. Only a little over 14% of those fires were due to lightning strikes. The other nearly 86% of those wildfires were caused by the careless or intentional actions of man. Could they have been prevented?

Many forest fires never need to have happened if it weren’t for the carelessness of man. Someone drops a lit cigarette while walking in the woods. Someone flicks a lit cigarette from a fast-moving car. It’s a hot day. There hasn’t been much rain lately. The lit cigarette drops on dried brush or leaves. There is a breath of wind that brings the fire to life. Before you know it, a forest fire is burning out of control.

Another cause of forest fires is due to the carelessness of campers. These people have come into the woods to seek renewal and to commune with nature. They have a cook-out or they light a campfire to get warm. They then go to sleep or they leave that night or the next day without making certain that the fire is completely out. Perhaps a spark flies and lands on dry brush or leaves. Perhaps the campfire was too close to parts of the forest primed to ignite due to dry conditions. Once again, before you know it, another forest fire is blazing, causing havoc and upheaval to the plants and animals whose home is this forest.

The author of Smokey lists other unintentional man-created causes of forest fires. This list includes unattended debris burning, equipment fires such as from lawnmowers and power equipment, people playing with matches or lighters, and fireworks.

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Then, sadly, there are those forest fires created due to arson. Someone troubled or out-of-control purposely sets fire to a forest or a structure too close to a forest. Will someone be able to put out the fire before lives, property, and natural habits are destroyed?

Of course, there are those fires which happen through no fault of any person. Perhaps lightning struck a tree. Perhaps there was a drought. There is not enough moisture in the forest. It’s a blazing hot day. The sun hits some spot in the forest in such a way that it ignites. Sadly, there appears to be few, if any, ways to prevent fires due to natural causes. In that case, all we can do is hope that trained personnel and willing volunteers can combat this fire before it has a chance to spread.

We are fortunate indeed to have park rangers making regular patrols around the parks, making certain that campfires have been completely doused with water or dirt. Of course, these park rangers cannot be everywhere at once. So it is up to us to take the following measures:

Do not throw lit cigarettes out of a fast-moving car.

Do not drop a lit cigarette in the woods.

Make certain you have completely put out your campfire. Check that there are no live coals or sparks left.

Make certain you follow all regulations when you burn leaves and debris. Keep watch over this fire so there is no risk of it spreading out of control.

Be vigilant about people around you who might be playing with matches or lighters.

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Be watchful over your lawnmowers and power equipment to make certain there is no risk of stray sparks or fire.

When lighting fireworks, be observant of your surroundings so that no fire could result from taking part in this activity.

We all grew up on those Smokey Bear commercials that preach, “Only you can prevent forest fires.” According to Smokey, “In 2007, there were 12,261 wildfires caused by lightning but 73,446 wildfires caused by human error.” Please, for the sake of our wildlife, our forests, and all of mankind, be conscientious about the steps you take when you are in or around our parks and wooded areas. Make certain that the human error mentioned above is not due to your careless actions or the accidental or intentional actions of your friends or family members.


Facts on fires and common ways YOU could unintentionally start a wildfire at

“Only you can prevent forest fires” at
