Folding Closet Doors Repair and Makeover

Folding closet doors may become misaligned with time, or have trouble closing or staying closed. Outwardly, the appearance of old closet doors may be worn and dusty. But rather than replace old folding closet doors (also called bi-fold closet doors), you can replace their hardware and give them a facelift that will make your old folding doors look and work like new doors.

Folding Closet Door Repair Makeover: Step #1, Replacing the Rail

Bi-fold door hardware is cheap and easy to replace. You can buy repair hardware in a kit that includes everything you need. Visit your local home improvement store, and you’ll find the folding door hardware in the same aisle as doorknobs and handles. If your old folding closet doors slides well on the top, there is no need to replace the rail. However, if you have previously painted inside the rail, or its shape has warped, it’s a good idea to take the folding door down, and replace the rail.

Folding Closet Door Repair Makeover: Step #2, Replacing the Hardware in the Rail

Next, make sure that the folding closet doors are aligned with the walls on the right and left. If the closet door is crooked, it will tilt a little into the path of the opposite door, and the closet doors will be unable to close smoothly. In addition, the space between the doors will be uneven, which is esthetically ugly. To realign the door, use a Philips screwdriver to loosen the bi-fold door hardware in the rail near the wall. Straighten the door, then tighten the hardware again so it can keep the folding closet door in place from here on.

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Folding Closet Door Repair Makeover: Step #3, Replacing the Fasteners

The most common problem with folding closet doors are the fasteners. These are the metal grips at the bottom of each door, which fasten on to each other when the closet doors are closed. When the fasteners aren’t working, the closet doors will not close, or close with difficulty, or snap open suddenly. The easiest way to fix the problem is to replace the old fasteners with new ones. New closet door fasteners cost less than a can of Coke, and are easy to install.

Begin by unscrewing the old fastens from your folding closet doors. Next, screw the new bi-fold door fasteners in place. If this fixes the problem, great. If not, then you will have to reposition the new fasteners. Therefore, drill new holes for the fasteners a little above the old ones on the inside of the folding closet doors. First attach the first fastener, making sure it is perfectly straight. Then close the folding closet doors, and hold the second fastener outside, to see where it should fit inside. Mark the fastener with a pen, to remember where it should fit inside the bifold door, then drill holes and screw new closet hardware in place.

Folding Closet Door Repair Makeover: Step #4 Framing and Painting the Exterior

Rather than try to get rid of ancient stains and dust, wipe the folding closet doors, then paint or stain them. For stain, you can choose a dark stain to go over a lighter one, but you can’t do the reverse. Next, add a dramatic border around your folding closet doors by cutting wood trim or door casing to size. Fence wood is the cheapest way of doing this (see picture). If the wood is too short, use two pieces instead of one, and inlay a thin slice of wood between them for beauty. Paint the border the same color as the folding closet doors or in a color to match the rest of your room’s molding and casing.