Floor Exercises for Toning the Lower Body Without Gym Equipment

Floor exercises can be used to for toning the lower body without gym equipment. These Floor exercises can be performed in the comfort of your own home, in any room that you choose. An exercise mat can be used, or simply use a large beach towel or blanket.

Floor Exercises for Toning the Lower Body Without Gym Equipment: Inverted Bicycle

You don’t need a bike to practice the inverted bicycle. The inverted bicycle is a fun floor exercise. On a mat or a towel, lay on your back. The moderate version is to lift the body at the hips, with hands on hips, and moving legs in a bicycle motion. With legs bent, move each foot forward in separate circular motions, like you are riding a bike. For more hip flexibility, be sure to try and ride backward as well, bringing knees towards the body.

The inverted bicycle will work your hips and your abs. Eight to 15 minutes a day will also get our blood pumping.

The more advanced version is to bring your entire lower body and back off the floor, resting the body weight on your shoulders and upper arms. Hands are placed on your waist, supporting the back. Bend each knee down towards your face, alternating left and right. Your “bicycle” should be directly above you. This advanced bicycle with work on balance as well as the abdominal region.

Note: pregnant women, and women on their cycle should not engage in any inverted exercises.

Floor Exercises for Toning the Lower Body Without Gym Equipment: Bent Leg Lift

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Commonly called the donkey, kick, this exercise is not really a kick. This exercise mimics the effect of a common piece of gym equipment.

It should be performed slowly, with control, and with strict attention to form. This floor exercise if performed by kneeling on the floor with hands on floor, in a table-like position. If you have sore knees, and cannot kneel on the hard floor, fold up a towel and place evenly underneath both knees.

Keep left knee bent, and lift slightly off the floor. Slowly move the left leg, retaining the bent knee position, until the bottom of the foot is parallel with the ceiling. Slowly return knee to the floor. Repeat eight to 10 times. Do the same with the right leg.

This exercise will help tone the glutes. You will feel it in the hamstrings, glutes, and the lower back. This Bent Leg Lift also works the abdomen, and strengthens the arms.

Floor Exercises for Toning the Lower Body Without Gym Equipment: Pelvic Movements

This is a move you will definitely want to do in private. Slowly place the body flat on the floor. Bend the knees, with feet flat on the floor. The Pelvic Tilt is a very small and subtle move, that has different variations. The most basic pelvic lift involves lifting the glutes off the floor, and the lower back.

Gently rock the pelvis forward and back, in a slow movement. The pelvic tilt can be felt in the hamstrings, the inner thighs and the glutes.

For a more advanced move, return to a relaxed position, with the knees still bent. Lift more of back off the floor, resting weight on upper back and shoulders. Lift the pelvis up towards the ceiling and down the floor. Repeat 20 to 30 times.

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A further variation on the pelvic lift is to work the outer thighs and hips when the lower body is in the up position. After performing the pelvic lift, remain in the position and open move knees out, and then in, 20 times. You will feel this move in the muscles near the pelvic bones, the hips, the glutes, the hamstrings, and the inner thighs.