Fizzy Fruit; New Kid’s Health Food Sensation

Fizzy Fruit is running as the health candidate in Oregon during Super Tuesday’s Primaries. What is Fizzy Fruit and why should you care?

Fizzy Fruit is bottled fresh fruit with fizz. Fizzy Fruit is not juice. It is fruit to which carbonation has been added to enhance the natural flavor. It was designed, under U.S. Grants as part of a healthy food initiative. Fizzy Fruit has no sugar added, but the fizz makes it fun to eat.

Kids who don’t like fruit are lured by curiosity to innovative Fizzy Fruit. The great news for parents is that there are no other additives. No sugar. No artificial flavors. No artificial colors. Fizzy Fruit is simply real fruit with carbonation.

A patented process adds carbonation to the natural water in fruits creating the fizz and the catchy name, Fizzy Fruit. The following fresh whole and sliced fruit are recommended for use with the Fizzy Fruit carbonation system: apples, cantaloupe, seedless grapes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, pears, pineapple, plums, strawberries, tangerines, and watermelon. Currently, these are the only fruits approved for use in the Fruit Fizzolatorâ„¢ carbonating unit. Only these fruits, once carbonated, are real Fizzy Fruit â„¢.

In a carbonation obsessed nation, parents have been warned to steer their kids clear of carbonated beverages. It’s not because of the carbonation. It is because of the sugar, caffeine, and additives which are unhealthy and can also cause tooth decay. Carbonation in Fizzy Fruit doesn’t bring concerning additives to the table. Fizzy Fruit isn’t even a juice, it is fruit.

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Fizzy Fruit began in a few select markets throughout the U.S, but is now available almost nationwide. It is even served in school lunch rooms to encourage children to eat fruit. Fizzy Fruit is intended for use with fresh fruit in schools.

Fruit intake is important for an array of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. Fizzy Fruit makes eating healthy fruits more enticing for kids. The carbonation does not negate the nutritional value of the fruit.

Fizzy Fruit has garnered much attention. It was named one of the Best New Products in 2006. It has also been marketed in conjunction with Disney, during their release of Meet the Robinsons. Now, Fizzy Fruit has entered its product as the Health Candidate in Oregon for Super Tuesday’s Primary. This is an odd move for a food product, but it is gaining Fizzy Fruit a lot of attention.

Fizzy Fruit should be available in a supermarket near you now, or in the near future.
