Five Ways to Beat Bulimia

Bulimia nervosa is one of the most common eating disorders suffered by women in the United States today. Bulimia nervosa is a very serious condition that should not ignore by people. There have been so many cases of women dying because of this eating disorder not only in the United States but also all over the world. What is more frightening about this disease is that more and more young women especially those who are still in college are already showing symptoms of this disease.

Bulimia nervosa is characterized by the loss of control of a woman over her eating habits. Often times, she would repeatedly eat large quantity of food that are high in calories and then would force the food out of her system by vomiting, using laxatives or excessive exercising. It is very common for bulimic women to eat a lot of food and then exercise until they drop. There have been many reported cases of women falling into exhausted sleep for around 10 hours after they ate large quantities of food and then exercise for hours to burn everything they have eaten. If you are one of those bulimic women who have fallen into the “eating purging cycle” here are some ways for you to cope with your condition.

Recognize the problem. It is normal for bulimia patient to deny their condition at the beginning. However, if you really want people to help you, you should admit to yourself that you are sick and needs help.
Tell a friend or family member. Telling a friend or a family member about your situation could save your life. It may not be easy to admit to your friends or family member that you have bulimia but it is the only way for you to help yourself. Coping with bulimia nervosa could be very difficult without the support of your family and friends. Bulimic women often do not have any control over themselves that they need their family and friends to monitor them closely.
See a doctor. Ask you friend or family member to accompany you to the doctor. Although you are perfectly capable of going all by yourself, you may not have the willpower to do all the things that your doctor may tell you to do. Having someone with you will help you abide by the doctor’s advice.
Let somebody stay with you in the house while you are on treatment. Since you may get right back into your routine of “eating and purging” ask someone to stay with you to monitor your activities. Your mother could be your best watchdog and she would love to do it for you so let into your house.
Learn some relaxation techniques. Often times, you would feel very restless during bulimia treatment. Learning some relation techniques could help you cope with the anxiety.