Five of the Easiest-to-Grow Flowers for Those Lacking a Green Thumb

If your green thumb is lacking but you would still like to try your hand at creating a flower bed here is a list of some of the easiest growing flowers. They basically take care of themselves. So if your looking to turn that brown thumb into a green thumb here are your easy to grow flowers to get started with.

Shasta Daisies: A very hardy perennial. Once these plants have established their growth they form dense flock. These white petal flowers with a golden yellow center grow individually on single stems. They grow from 6 to 12 inches and prefer full sun to partial shade. You may want to plant these in the back of your flower garden due to their height.The Shasta Daisies blooming period is June-July

Bachelor Button: A hardy annual that is very fragrant. Also known as the cornflower. These pretty flowers grow to be about 2 feet tall and prefer full sun. To reseed these annuals leave some of the flowers to die in place so they drop their seeds. These flowers also make great dried floral arrangements. Hand them upside down in smaller bunches to dry. Once dried you can fill vases with them. Come in an assortment of colors.The Bachelor Button’s blooming period is June -September

Sweet Alyssum: A hardy annual that comes in a shades of purples, reds, pinks and white. They grow in a compact bunch and grow to a height of 3 to 10 inches and prefer sun to partial shade. Alyssum also makes a great ground cover. It is so hardy that Alyssum does well in hard to grow areas, like hills. Sweet Alyssum’s blooming period is Spring to Early Fall

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California Poppy: A very hardy annual that acts like a perennial. These poppies will keep reseeding year after year. The satiny orange petals grow to about 2 inches wide on a 1 to 1.5 foot stem. Prefers full sun. Also another plant to grow towards the back of your flower garden due to height. California Poppies blooming period: April-August

Zinnia: Hardy annual, comes in a bright array of colors from orange, pinks, reds, white, and yellows. Height average is around 6 to 36 inches and prefers sun. Zinnia make a beautiful fresh cut flower. You can dry zinnia’s between books to use as decoration in picture frames to create flower art. Come in an assortment of colors and different families. Zinnia’s blooming period: Late Spring-Early Fall

These flowers are very easy to start from seed. Mostly you can turn the soil over drop the seeds, water and leave alone. Or you can start them individually in a peat planting cup and then transplants them back into the ground when they are about 4 to 5 inches tall. Another good thing about the above chosen easy to grow flowers is that they make great cutting flowers to fill beautiful vases around the house. Not to mention filling your house with the fragrance of fresh cut flowers in the summer is somehow heavenly.

These are great starter plants for one wanting to gain the experience and satisfaction of growing their own flowers from home. While you sit and look at your flowers through the growing season it gives you a wonderful sense of accomplishment to know you worked on the beauty that now surrounds your flower gardens.