Five Great Gift Ideas for Toddler Girls

Buying gifts for toddler girls can be a challenge. However, getting the right birthday gift, surprise present, Christmas or Holiday gift, is not that hard. As a dad of a girl who just turned three I do have some recent experience in buying gifts for a toddler girl and I am willing to share. Toddlers like most people love to get presents and gifts. They don’t care how much the gift costs, where it came from, the name brand or keeping up with all the other toddlers. They care about someone caring enough to get them something, they care about having something that is their own, and sometimes color is very important. My daughter wanted a pink cake and pink ice cream for her third birthday which thanks to wonderful grandparents she got. Here is my list of my top five gifts for toddler girls in no particular order.

1) Plush Animals/Stuffed Animals

Toddler girls love play animals which are soft. My little girl often asks for her teddy bear when she goes to bed. Plush animals, teddy bears and stuffed Animals of all sorts make wonderful toddler gifts for any occasion. My girl was into Pooh, I was able to find her plush Pooh Bear, Eeyore, Tigger, and piglet at a local consignment shop. Needless to say I was a big winner in my toddler’s eyes. You really can’t go wrong. I have picked up animals for a dollar at a Dollar Store, I have given gently used animals, and I have given more expensive animals from Toys R Us and department stores. All have made the perfect gift for my toddler girl. Now, her mother may say she has enough plush animals. However, I find this to be a myth. A toddler girl can never have enough stuffed animals. As a safety precaution it is advisable to avoid play animals where toddler girls can pull out eyes and buttons. It hurts the animals, but more importantly toddler girls could choke on these items.

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2) Baby Dolls

Toddler girls love baby dolls. It is the second item my toddler likes to sleep with. Baby dolls come in a variety of sizes and made of different materials. Soft, plush dolls make great gifts for younger toddlers moving into plastic ones as they get older. My brother bought my daughter a plush Strawberry Shortcake doll which was bigger than my daughter as a Christmas present. My toddler loves that doll. If you buy dollar store plastic baby dolls, I find my toddler goes thru these fairly quick. Feet tend to fall off and sometimes even heads have fallen off. I belief this is an important reason toddlers do not make ideal babysitters. However, for a dollar these dolls can be replaced rather easily. Again with baby dolls you do not want pieces which can be broken off and become choking hazards.

3) Plastic Tea Sets

Toddler girls love tea sets. They have big imaginations and love to have pretend tea with parents, siblings, grandparents, toddlers, stuffed animals and baby dolls. It has been my experience grandparents like to give porcelain tea sets to toddler girls. I don’t recommend this, since toddler girls can be rough on their tea sets. Porcelain sets don’t last long. Also broken porcelain tea cups can cut toddlers. Fortunately mine did not get cut but her porcelain sets did not last long.

4) Costume Jewelry

Toddler girls might be small but they are girls. Toddler girls love to play dress up. Costume jewelry made for toddlers makes great gifts for toddler girls. Toddler girls can feel like little divas and fairy tale princesses when they have costume jewelry. Again parents will want to make sure the jewelry can not be used to choke or strangle toddlers. Toddler girls have big imaginations and these toys offer them a chance to have dress up fun.

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5) Non-Toxic Washable Crayons

Toddler girls love crayons. They love to try to draw things and they love colors. What may look like a scribbled line to untrained adult eyes could be a masterpiece from the imagination of a toddler girl. Crayons should be non-toxic because sometimes toddler artists like to taste their tools. They should be washable too. I have found toddler girls like to color other things besides paper and coloring books. Washable crayons make it possible to erase that unwanted artwork on big brothers stuff, or one of mommy and daddy’s prized possessions.

These are five great gift ideas for toddler girls. There are many more gifts out there for toddler girls. However, don’t forget the free ones such as spending time with them, hugs and kisses. Toddlers are not toddlers for ever.
