Five Great Books for High School Graduates

High School graduation is such a fun time! Families and friends celebrate, future plans are made, and life is an open road. On graduation day, high school graduates feel like nothing in the world can stop them from achieving their dreams.

Encourage them to keep on dreaming by providing them with great books to encourage graduates on their journey.

The selection of books for high school graduates is light-hearted reading. They just finished highs school and don’t want any more complex reading until they head to college, if that is their destination. These books vary from fun and inspirational, to easily readable but thought provoking.

A traditional, fun favorite book for high school graduates is Dr. Seuss’s Oh, the Places You’ll Go. Classic Dr. Seuss takes on a new meaning when the implications of the simple, rhyming story relate closely to the life and dreams of a high school graduate. The standard hardback version can be purchased for $12.99 at

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values, by Robert M. Pirsig , has nothing to do with motorcycles or Zen Buddhism. It is a philosophical discussion that takes place on a cross-country motorcycle trip by the writer and his son. Two friends join them along the way as they explore realism versus romanticism as practical ways of life. This is a good book for high school graduates as it prompts them to ground their ideals and dreams into practical ways of achieving them. This book can be purchased for high school graduates for $11.53 from Amazon.

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The Five People You Meet in Heaven , by Mitch Albom is available at Boarders in hardcover for $21.95 and paperback for $12.00. The Five People You Meet in Heaven is an artfully woven story of how each of our lives are interwoven in ways that we may never understand. A reading of this book will encourage high school graduates to think of themselves as a part of the larger fabric of society. It is short and easy, easy to read, and yet powerful in its message.

There is a book that has been around for several years, but it contains a timeless message for readers. Consider giving your high school graduate The Precious Present, by Spencer Johnson. Readers are teased from page to page in quest of an elusive precious gift. Graduates will follow page after page, as they are in the ideas mindset to pursue any and all gifts that life has to offer. If you have not read The Precious Present you may be surprised at the point to which the author is leading. It is an eye opening parable with an important lesson for high school graduates. Spencer Johnson’s bestseller The Precious Present is available at Boarders for $19.95.

A new book, which offers hope during the depressed times in which we live is Brian Zahnd’s What to do on the Worst Day of Your Life. Help your high school graduate keep their chin up in the face of nay-sayers by providing this challenging, uplifting read. Brian Zahnd draws on the life of the Biblical character David to extract principles for going, even when the going gets tough. High school graduates tend to view the world through rose colored glasses. This book will not rob their joy, but will provide strategies for life when reality hits hard. What to do on the Worst Day of Your Life is available at Amazon for $10.19.

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