Five Favorite Perennial Garden Plants

Every year it is fun to add annuals to your garden for variety and color. Perennial plants, however, enable you to keep your garden filled with beauty without replanting year after year. Planting perennials is a great way to save time and money.

Some of my favorite perennials are common favorites among gardeners, other perennial garden plants I consider favorites because of their beautiful blooms in summer and spring and colorful foliage in the fall.

Garden perennial favorite: Hostas

One of the easiest perennials to grow, which will add fullness and smooth, green foliage to your garden is the perennial Hosta plant.. One of the great things about the Hosta is that it can be grown in the shade of other garden plants and trees. Hostas create beautiful green ground cover in your garden and can be used to enhance any part of your landscape.

My favorite Hosta is the Patriot Hosta. Patriot Hostas are perennial garden plants with deep green leaves with wide, white variegated edges. The Patriot Hosta produces lavender flowers in the summer. A similar perennial is the Queen Josephine Hosta. It also has dark green leaves with creamy yellow edges. It also produces purple blooms in summer.

For blue-green perennial garden leaves choose Sagae or Hadspen Blue Hostas.

Caladium, for color and variety in perennial garden plants

I’ve loved caladiums since I was young. I grew up calling them Elephant Ears. Caladiums have large beautiful leaves with an almost heart-shaped look. Caladiums leaves can be full green or have a colorful pinkish-red center, with white variegations. Caladiums work well in partial sun or shade. Well cared for caladiums will last for years adding height, size, and color to your garden.

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Echinacea, a sun perennial for interest and color in your garden

When you are looking for something different to fill a sunny spot in your garden consider Echinacea. Echinacea is a fragrant flower that comes in a variety of colors and blooms from spring through fall. Blooms are large and eye-catching at 4″, with a beautiful cone topping each.

Daylilies sound common, but bloom beautifully

There isn’t anything unique about daylilies in your perennial flower garden, but they are among my favorite because they are among the most dependable returning blooms. Every year not only do they bloom on time, but they spread. There’s no easier gardening than planting daylilies. Plant throughout your garden to add height, color, and interest. Daylilies may also be planted in clusters or rows. The Daylily Stella de Oro blooms brilliant yellow-gold and is the number one selling daylily of all time. It’s a hardy perennial which is among the first perennial blooms to grace your garden each spring.

Perennial garden lavender plant

I love to add the fragrance and look of lavender to a garden. It suits a flower garden in which you want to create a diverse look of more than traditional flower blooms. Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) has a beautiful lavender spires that lasts approximately ten weeks. Russian Sage grows well in sunny and dry areas. It has proven drought resistant through the past couple of years in Georgia, and we have experienced a severe drought. Plant Russian Sage in an area that drains well or is difficult to water.