Five Facts About Vegetarianism: From Celebrity Vegans to Saving the Planet

Vegetarians don’t eat meat, and that is usually the only thing that people know about them. But the fact that we don’t consume animal products is just one of many interesting facts about vegetarianism.

Here are five fascinating facts that most people (even some vegetarians) don’t know about vegetarianism:

1) The word “vegetarian”

There is controversy over the origins of the word vegetarian. The Vegetarian Society, a British charity that was founded in 1847 to promote their belief in a non meat eating lifestyle, claimed that they invented the word to describe people who did not consume animal products. However, there is written evidence that the word was in use prior to 1847 by others who also adhered to a non meat diet.

2) Famous vegetarians

Throughout history, many famous people have embraced vegetarianism for ethical and health purposes. Actors, musicians, writers, and even sports stars have practiced vegetarianism. Included in the list are actors Alec Baldwin, Alicia Silverstone, and Pamela Anderson. Musicians Brandy, Paul McCartney, and Shania Twain are also among the celebrities who don’t eat meat. The biggest surprise to most meat eaters is the growing number of athletes that have become vegetarians since it has been widely believed that being a vegetarian does not provide adequate protein. However, athletes such as Carl Lewis, Martina Navratilova, and Hank Aaron seem to have gotten along just fine. Historical figures who have been vegetarians include Mark Twain, Voltaire, and William Blake.

3) Vegetarians save the planet

How do vegetarians save the planet you ask? Well, there are several reasons for this. First, 90 percent of the agricultural land in the U.S. is used for grazing. Since vegetarians don’t eat the animals that graze on the land, vegetarians actually prevent deforestation of new areas that will be used for grazing. The second way that vegetarians save the earth is by conserving the earth’s water supply. 40 percent of the water used in the US is for agriculture, and again, since vegetarians don’t eat the meat, they are conserving water that would have been used to produce more meat products. Lastly, vegetarians cut down on energy use because it takes much more fossil fuel energy to produce meat products than it does vegetable products.

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4) There are different types of vegetarians

Most people aren’t aware that there are four different types of vegetarians. The basic definition of a vegetarian is someone who doesn’t consume any type of beef, chicken, fish, or shell fish. All four types of vegetarians adhere to those basic guidelines but also follow different restrictions. Lacto-vegetarians consume milk products, but not eggs. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat milk products and eggs. Ovo-vegetarians will not consume milk products, but will eat eggs. The strictest type of vegetarian is veganism. Vegans do not consume milk, eggs, or honey products.

5) There are how many vegetarians in the U.S.?

Although the numbers vary, in 2000 the Vegetarian Research Group conducted a poll which estimated that there were 4.7 million vegetarians in the United States. They took another survey in 2006 which revealed that the new numbers were somewhat higher than the 2000 poll.