Five Exercises for Sculpted Leg Muscles

Before starting any exercise routine for sculpted leg muscles, keep in mind that muscles can easily be covered up by fat, so it is necessary to keep your body fat somewhat low in order to see results.

Also, keep in mind that there are advantages and disadvantages in doing both high rep-lower weight and low rep-higher weight routines.

High rep-lower weight is better for power and size while low weight-higher rep is better for endurance and definition.

Five Exercises for Sculpted Leg Muscles

Here are some of the best exercises you can do for legs in the gym. Don’t worry about people staring at you, they’re just jealous because of their own top-heavy, ineffective bodies.

Exercise for Sculpted Leg Muscles #1: Squat

This is the holy grail of leg exercises, and it’s also one of the most tiring and difficult leg exercises a person can do. That’s because the squat exercise targets a large group of leg and glute muscles in one fell swoop.

To do the squat, place a barbell on your shoulder’s traps and then lower yourself down, sinking your hips toward the ground while keeping your back straight and your eyes in front of you in the mirror to check your form.

Once you get your glutes down to about a foot off the floor, explode up while keeping your back straight and using your hips.

The squat should be the basis of most of your leg exercise programs. If you find heavier weight too difficult, do a bunch of these (50 or more) with no weight or perhaps with just the bar or a little bit of weight.

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Exercise for Sculpted Leg Muscles #2: Lunges

Some consider this a girly exercise but it’s really one of the best leg exercises out there for sculpted muscles. It targets the lower legs and glutes as well and will give you a defined lower body.

To do lunges, keep your back straight and step forward with one leg while sinking your hips down toward the floor as your step forward. Hold the position for a second then come back up.

You can also do these while holding barbells, an exercise ball, or with a barbell on your shoulder for increase resistance and leg sculpting power.

Exercises for Sculpted Leg Muscles #3: Leg Extensions

This sit-down machine is great for adding bulk to your legs and for fine-tuning your overall sculpted look in your legs.

Sit down at this machine and then put your ankles under the bar in front of you. From that position, flex your legs upwards as you lift weights from the machine’s cable.

These are easy to do but be careful not to add too much weight because they can strain joints on your legs.

Exercise for Sculpted Leg Muscles #4: Hamstring Curls

Another popular leg machine for sculpted muscles, this is like a reverse leg extension that hits your hamstring areas and adds definition to the back parts of your legs.

Simply lay down on your stomach and curl your legs upward behind you while raising the weights in the machine via a cable. This is a good staple exercise to prevent injury as well as toning your legs.

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Exercise for Sculpted Leg Muscles # 5: Calf Raises

Having big and sculpted calf muscles are important to many people who work out their legs, especially men.

Calf raises are most often done on machines. There are a wide variety of calf raise machines for sculpted leg muscles, and most of them revolve around flexing your ankle upward to stand on the tips of your toes to lift weight attached to a cable.

You can also do these at home on stairs either with or without weight. You will want to do many reps of these, in the 30-50 range depending on how much weight you are using for this popular leg exercise.