First Draft ‘Thor’ Script: What Got Cut?

The original “Thor” script includes a multitude of cuts, including references to additional Marvel universe characters-such as Hank Pym (Ant Man). This script also provides clues about the development of Thor and Jane’s relationship and the types of interactions she might have with the Asgardians in “Thor: The Dark World” (2013).

7 Things We Learn About Jane Foster

  • Trekkie scientist: One of her first lines was supposed to be “holy Shatner.” While we knew she was a sci-fi fan based on her quoting of Arthur C. Clarke, her status as a “Star Trek” fan was something we could only speculate about.
  • Remembering dad: I assumed the men’s watch Jane (Natalie Portman) wears in “Thor” is a memento from her father, making it particularly poignant when she checks the time and looks up to the sky at the end of the movie while Thor (Chris Hemsworth) looks down from Asgard across the cosmos. While the script doesn’t confirm anything about the watch, it does mention Jane is wearing her father’s oversized gloves.
  • Jane hasn’t dated anyone in a while: While it’s evident that her breakup with her ex was pretty bad, comments from Isabela (the café owner) indicate that Jane doesn’t date much. In the original script, Isabela makes several remarks and observations about Thor.
  • Jane has first aid skills: While she’s an astrophysicist (and not a nurse) in the movie, she demonstrates a bit of first aid knowledge when initially encountering Thor.
  • The scientist works on a metaphysical level: We already know that Jane’s journal contains pictures and theories, however her original descriptions of the Einstein-Rosen bridge anomaly are extremely poetic–to the point that Selvig remarks upon it. This suggests that Jane examines her field from all angles.
  • She continues her work: Thor’s assertion that Jane was on the right track with her work is further proven true by the original script. When Thor falls to Earth, Heimdall (Idris Elba) has a lengthy and poetic remark about the nature of scientists; the suggested feeling is that he is watching over Jane or has been already.
  • There are more details about Jane’s work: At the end of the movie, Jane is using labeled Stark technology to view a full 3D Yggdrasil representation; Darcy consoles her and the last line in the movie is Jane’s: “But if he can’t get here on his own…maybe we can help him find his way back.” Additionally, Coulson (Clark Gregg) is clearer about the fact that her work will be fully funded by S.H.I.E.L.D.
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5 Things We Learn About Erik Selvig

  • Thor misinterprets Erik’s interest in Jane: Erik (Stellan Skarsgård) sees Jane as a daughter, but in the original script, Thor asks “are you in love with her?” during the drinking scene.
  • Selvig was ‘more than friends’ with a scientist colleague: He mentions this to Jane.
  • Selvig knows Hank Pym: Instead of making a vague reference to a scientist who became involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. and disappeared (I originally thought this referred to Bruce Banner), Selvig mentions Pym by name.
  • Near death by iron: We know from the extended scene that Selvig becomes injured and Thor heals him with a healing stone. In the original script, Jane assesses that he is going into shock; his injury is from a piece of twisted iron. Is this a random piece of debris, or does it have a larger significance? It seems like a specific detail and contributes to the overall feeling that Selvig is more significant than we initially believe .
  • Thor and Selvig defend Jane’s honor: When out drinking, one of the ‘townies’ makes an untoward comment to Thor about Jane. While Thor is angry, he does not hit the man; Selvig, not so much.

There Was More Suggested Romantic Interaction Between Thor and Jane

  • Foreshadowing marriage? When Jane retrieves Thor from the hospital, she lies and says she is his wife when she is told that only family members can see him.
  • He wants to hold her hand: The script directs the pair to hold hands several times.
  • Now with more cuddling: There is a scene in which they wake up–after the night on the roof. They are facing each other and cuddling, and Jane looks up at Thor.
  • Fates entwined: Thor says to Jane, “Whatever fate lies before me, you are a part of it.” The direction in the script indicates she’s worried that she will never see him again.
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2 Things We Learn About Hawkeye

  • Thunderhawk-Is Clint attracted to Thor? Clint Barton calls Thor ‘handsome’ as a nickname when he sees him.
  • No bow: Hawkeye uses a rifle only in the original script.

Lady Sif and The Warriors Three

  • Doomed to stay on Midgard? Near the end of the movie, the Asgardians consider the possibility that Heimdall cannot open the Bifrost at all-they wonder if they are stuck on Midgard. Thor and Fandral (Josh Dallas) consider Jane and Darcy (Kat Dennings), respectively, and do not seem to entirely dislike the idea.
  • Fandral plus Darcy equals ‘Fancy?’ In the final cut of the film, there is a glimpse of Fandral kissing Darcy’s hand as he says goodbye. In the original script, Fandral makes a pass at Darcy and Darcy seems receptive.
  • Sif and Frigga have a longer chat: The interaction between Sif (Jaimie Alexander) and Frigga (Rene Russo) is extended in the original script, and there is no cut scene. Frigga comforts Sif, who speaks of Thor and says, “I will always be by his side.” Frigga indicates that she feels her son should be with Sif.
  • There was more comic relief in the original script: Many jokes were cut, including descriptive mentions of several fighting forms and styles.

An Important Note About S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents

All of the agents in the “Thor” script have names, even if they never have lines. Could these agents reappear in the upcoming Marvel TV show under the direction of “The Avengers” director Joss Whedon?

Additional Notes

  • Frigga shares more screen time with Odin and Loki in the original script.
  • It’s important to note what didn’t change: beyond the deleted scenes already released, there were no changes to the interactions between Thor and Loki (Tom Hiddleston) or Thor and Odin (Anthony Hopkins).
  • Darcy is a hacker. This is a welcome but unsurprising detail.
  • In the final cut, it doesn’t seem that Jane necessarily understands that the Bifrost is broken. She stares up expectantly, but Thor does not return. In the original script, she observes something in the anomaly and is aware of the fact that there is a problem preventing him from returning.
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