Fireworks Show at the Jacksonville Landing on New Years Eve

I haven’t been to many New Year’s Eve events simply because they never seem worth it. That may seem depressing but i think about the things that other people don’t think about, the parking, the crowds, the police, the traffic, the weather and the cost.

This year was different, i went to the party at the Jacksonville Landing for the 2006 to 2007 New years Eve. I have to tell you that it really wasn’t worth it. If you are thinking about going to the 2007 to 2008 New years eve celebration at the Jacksonville Landing you may want to consider these few points first:

1. I couldn’t drink as much as i would like actually barely any at all because i have a prior DUI and I am the one driving on this particular night. And whats a new Years eve party without booze and lots of it. Which leads me to my next point.

2. The police are out in full force and looking for any reason to arrest you or pull you over and chances are you will encounter a few after you almost knock out some people from spilling their drinks on you.

3. Good luck trying to find a parking spot and once you do it will cost you. I had to walk several blocks before i could even see the Landing and the parking area we parked in was very sketchy i think the guy in the parking lot collecting the money was just a bum trying to get his next meal.

4. Its sooooooooooooooo crowded once you get into the Landing area that you wat be comfortable at all and will have to stand the entire time in a 2 foot square area with arms at your side. Once you get to this spot you will have people passing by you, bumping into you, grabbing your behind and spilling stuff on you. You will so close to the person next to you that you inevitability take home some of their sweat on your clothes. And if you don’t like smoke, have fun because there will be hundreds out there smoking and blowing it right in your face.

See also  Website Review:, a Great Way to Plan Your New Year's Eve

5. Now when you get thirsty you have to try to find your way through the mob of people to stand in a long line to get a drink that costs $10 and has about much liquid as in a shot glass.

6. The band- I don’t remember who the band was, point made.

7. The crowd and traffic when leaving- forgettabodit!

8. The stress driving home from the maybe one too many drinks you had.

9. The next day

There was one good thing about the whole experience, the fireworks were really good. So if you can find another place to watch them i would suggest everyone find a way to see the downtown Jacksonville fireworks show this year!
