Finding the Best Motorcycle Insurance

Shopping for motorcycle insurance really isn’t any more complex than looking for any other type of insurance. The rider must be sure that he or she maximizes discounts to get the lowest price, but does not compromise coverage. Many people think that cheap insurance is wonderful, but insurance that doesn’t cover the rider properly is very costly. The purchaser must insure that comprehensive coverage is available if he or she wishes to replace the vehicle at cost. All too often riders think that merely purchasing the legal requirement (liability) is enough to get by. While it is true that legally covering the other person in an accident is enough, what about the replacement cost of your vehicle? Not having a motor vehicle is a bad situation and can often result in job loss. So the best thing you can do is make sure that you know the appropriate coverage for your bike. The best coverage is one that you can afford. This means that if you wreck your motorcycle with only liability coverage, you can afford to either do without it or buy another motorcycle with cash. If you can’t do either of these things, you need to purchase comprehensive coverage.

Next you need to make a list of potential discounts for your insurer. As a potential customer you should be entitled to discounts. Often you can get good driver discounts, training discounts, student discounts, marriage discounts, new motorcycle discounts and many more types of discounts but only if you have a list of what you are qualified for and work with an insurance company that offers these discounts. You would be surprised what discounts you are qualified for. Some insurance companies give discounts for purchasing on-line or even getting good grades in school. But many potential customers think that they are only entitled to a bundling discount or marriage discount. There are tons of insurance discounts if you know the system and what you are qualified for. So a good shopper starts with a list of potential discounts before going out to look. You can easily find a list on-line.

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Finally you should see 3 agents from the major insurance companies. These would be Geico, Allstate and Progressive. Geico and Progressive should provide a motorcyclist with a very comprehensive list of discounts. Geico and Progressive lead the nation with the most motorcyclists insured in the United States. They have perfected motorcycle insurance and the marketing of it. I recommend you check with Allstate because they have made substantial progress in getting motorcyclists insured and they want to gain more market share. In cases like this, they may be willing to undercut any price you bring for Geico or Progressive. This can have positive effects for you as the potential client. As the economy has worsened, insurance companies are in an all-out war for new customers. This can only benefit you as a person looking for insurance. Good luck in this task and save a bundle.


SC Dept. of Insurance

Michigan Secretary of State