Fibromyalgia: Common Symptoms and Diagnosis

What is fibromyalgia? Wikipedia defines fibromyalgia as a medically unexplained syndrome characterized by chronic widespread pain. It has also been defined by rheumatologists as a common rheumatic syndrome indicating widespread pain in fibrous tissues, muscles, and tendons, resulting in painful muscles without any weakness. Not all people experience all associated symptoms. Persons with fibromyalgia state they hurt all over and feel exhausted. They awaken tired even if they slept well, possible due to not reaching that deep restorative sleep we all need. The Mayo Clinic points out that it affects only 2% of the population and it is more common among women with an increase of risk with age. Symptoms occur after a physical or emotional trauma or have occurred with no triggers.

Common Symptoms of Fibromyalgia:

Symptoms vary depending upon the weather, stress, physical activity or time of day. Common symptoms noted by WebMD and the Mayo Clinic are anxiety, difficulty with concentration/ memory “fibro fog”, depression, digestive disorder, discoloration of hands and feet (Raynaud’s phenomenon), dry mouth, nose and eyes, fatigue, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, morning stiffness, painful menstrual cramps, restless leg syndrome, sleep disorders, swelling, numbness and tingling in hands, arms, feet and legs, urinary problems, trigger points and pain.

Widespread pain is the most common symptom that prompts a visit to the physician. Pain has been described as a dull ache typically arising from the muscles. The pain may move around or be chronic (nerves are hypersensitive). To be considered as a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, the American College of Rheumatology has established two criteria that need to be met. First, widespread pain must occur on both sides of the body, above and below the waist and has lasted at least 3 months. Second, at least 11 out of a possible 18 trigger points are tender when the correct amount of pressure is applied by the physician.

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These trigger points are specific areas of the body called tender points. They are at the back of the head, between the shoulder blades, top of shoulders, front sides of neck, upper chest, outer elbows,upper hips, side of hips and the inner knees. Trigger points are localized areas of tenderness around the joints when pressed with a finger. It is the tissue not the joint that hurts at a superficial level. People with fibromyalgia have extremely painful trigger points. Next to pain, fatigue is a major complaint. Fatigue upon rising in the morning, after a mild activity, too tired to do laundry or to function at work.

Finding Help:

Fibromyalgia can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms can be non-defining or mimic other diseases. There is no lab test to confirm fibromyalgia, however, a physician may order blood tests to rule out other conditions. Your primary physician may refer you to a rheumatologist who specializes in the treatment of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. You need to be prepared and make a list of your symptoms to bring to the physician’s office. Include in your list how long you have had the symptoms, how your symptoms vary, what other medical problems you have, a list of your medications and dietary supplements and any family history. Your physician will perform a physical examination to check your neurological health, which includes reflexes, muscle strength, muscle tone, coordination and balance.

There is no recognized cure for fibromyalgia. Work with your doctor to review your symptoms and signs of fibromyalgia to make an accurate diagnosis. There are many web sites that offer further information, which include the CDC website on arthritis and fibromalgia, the US Department of Health and Human Resources Fibromyalgia treatment guidelines, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease website and WebMD.