Fertility Aids: Products You Can’t Conceive Without

When I started trying to conceive my first child I, like most people, wanted it to happen fast! After doing my research on some products that are supposed to help you conceive I tried a few of them that had good user reviews. I started using the products and got pregnant soon thereafter. The following are some products that I couldn’t have conceived without!

Pre-Seed (a fertility friendly personal lubricant)

Pre-Seed is, as stated above, a personal lubricant that is safe to use when trying to conceive. Pre-Seed was one of the products that seemed to be recommended everywhere that I looked, and for good reason it is an amazing product! Pre-Seed mimics a woman’s natural cervical and vaginal secretions at the time of ovulation; thus, it is non-harmful to sperm and even creates an environment that is optimal for fertilization. Other lubricants, even those that don’t contain spermicidal agents, can be harmful if used when trying to conceive. Even saliva can be harmful to sperm! Pre-Seed is not just fertility friendly but it’s also fun. My husband and I both rated it among the top lubricants that we have used. It isn’t too sticky or too wet or too dry, it provides just the right amount of lubrication.

Instead Softcup

Instead Softcups are marketed as an alternative to traditional feminine hygiene products such as tampons and pads; however, they have recently been discovered as a fertility aid; although, they are not recognized as such by the FDA. Softcup is a small flexible cup that is inserted into the vagina and sits just below the cervix. The Softcup is manufactured to collect the products of menstruation instead of absorbing them and this makes them perfect for their secondary use as a fertility aid. Softcups can effectively “collect” sperm and hold it close to the cervix, which increases the chance that the sperm will reach their final and intended destination (the egg). The Softcup is comfortable and easy to insert as well as remove. They can be worn up to twelve hours, and since sperm can live in the female reproductive tract for up to 72 hours, this greatly increases your chance of fertilization over the traditional method of elevating your hips to let gravity keep the sperm near the cervix.

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Pregnancy Test Strips

Pregnancy test strips are a cheaper alternative to the more expensive pregnancy test that you might purchase at your local drugstore or chain retailer. The test strips test for the same hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), as other tests and can actually detect pregnancy earlier than other big name tests. The Pregnancy Test Strips that I used were purchased from early-pregnancy-tests.com. These tests can detect pregnancy only 7-10 days after ovulation! The reason they can detect pregnancy so early is related to their sensitivity to hCG. Other early pregnancy tests typically have a sensitivity of 50 mIU/ml hCG the pregnancy test strips have a sensitivity of 20 mIU/ml hCG. The price of the tests strips is so economical that you can afford to test as often as you want which is great when you are anxiously awaiting your Big Fat Positive (BFP)! When I used the pregnancy test strips I tested at only 6 days post ovulation and got a faint pink line. I tested for three days after the initial faint line and got three more BFPs!

Where to Purchase Products

Pre-Seed and Instead Softcup can be purchased at almost any major drug store as well as at most major retailers that carry feminine hygiene products. The pregnancy test strips that are described in this article can be purchased at early-pregnancy-tests.com. You may be able to find similar pregnancy tests strips manufactured by other companies elsewhere.