Feeding Your Oscars (Fish)

Owner Oscars can be quite the task when it comes to tank maintenance and ensuring that they are healthy. The wrong tank size, bad filtering, and incorrect water levels can spell doom for these fish. Another huge responsibility that you must make is finding the right food for Oscars. There are a lot of people who think that they can feed these huge fish one source of food like goldfish or pellets. One of the biggest ways to keep Oscars healthy and preserve their life span is to mix up their diet. No one can eat McDonalds every single day and expect to be healthy and live long, so why should you fish live that way.

If you already own Oscars, then you know that they will eat any thing that fits in their mouth. This article is intended to list the type of diet that I will benefit your fish and avoid the dreaded “Hole in the Head” (HITH) disease.

Feeding Oscars Feeders (Goldfish)

Most Cichlids are predators, which mean they will absolutely love small goldfish. In the beginning, I used to feed my Oscars goldfish all the time, but soon found out that the goldfish that you can buy from the pet store can carry diseases that are harmful to your fish. The feeders (what they are called in pet stores) are kept in abundance in one tank at the store. They can carry diseases because there are so many in one tank. Feeding these goldfish to your Oscars on a daily basis can result in your fish getting sick or dying. I suggest limiting the amount of times you buy feeders, to avoid your Oscars getting sick.

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I must say that the only upside to feeding your Oscars goldfish is that it doesn’t leave the tank a cloudy mess. Your Oscars will swallow these fish whole, leaving no debris in the bottom of your tank.


Crickets may be one of the best live foods for Oscars and all cichlids because they are less likely to carry parasites like the store bought goldfish. If you prefer feeding your Oscars live food, crickets may be the best choice. They are also available at most pet stores and are very inexpensive.

Frozen Brine Shrimp

The Brine Shrimp comes in a pack of about nine frozen cubes. They are another affective source of diet that doesn’t carry the diseases and parasites of feeders.

Pellets and Flakes

Pellets and flakes are a healthier for your Oscars than the store bought feeders. However, pellets are the messiest food that you can feed them because it leaves so much debris at the bottom of the tank. Oscars can be real messy when they eat so it’s important that you vacuum the tank daily to avoid algae from growing and your water from getting cloudy.

Another alternative that has worked pretty well for me is vegetables. As mentioned before, Oscars will eat almost anything. I used to feed my two Oscars peas and carrots about once or twice a week. This is a great way to mix up their diet and keep them active and healthy. Like pellets and flakes, you cannot leave the wasted vegetables in the bottom of the tank for long.