Febreze Extra Strength Fabric Refresher

Febreze has always been my top choice air fragrance odor eliminator. I love the air effects, the scent stories, candles, and every other item with the Febreze logo associated with it. The laundry detergent with Febreze is especially delicious smelling.

I have been using Febreze Fabric Refresher’s for about a year now, and have tried nearly every scent they had. Recently though I came across Febreze Extra Strength Fabric Refresher, and assumed it would be just like the original formulas, only the scent would last a heck of a lot longer!

I picked up a bottle for around $7.00 at my local Target, and went home excited to spray down my work clothes, my blanket, and you could even use this stuff on the carpet! Olay! Sounded marvelous!


Febreze Extra Strength Fabric Refresher comes in the standard shaped Febreze Fabric Refresher bottle, only it has a darker colored blue plastic bottle, where the normal spray refreshers come in a light baby blue bottle.

The bottle itself you can see through as it does have slight transparency, allowing you to know when it’s empty.

Febreze Extra Strength Fabric Refresher also has the official Febreze logo on it, and a sticker clearly stating it is the extra strength formula.

My Use:

So, I get home, twist the spray nozzle to on, and begin spraying my bed. The scent I noticed was similar to the original fresh linen scent that I know and love, however Febreze Extra Strength Fabric Refresher was a heck of a lot more subtle, and to be quite honest, I was not too thrilled with it. The normal fabric refreshers have a strong, lasting scent. Febreze Extra Strength Fabric Refresher did not. Febreze Extra Strength Fabric Refresher smelled like it had been watered down.

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I actually had to bring my blanket up to my nose to notice the scent. Normally with other Febreze products I never had to do this. The scent would just fill the air, and saturate the product that was sprayed in its glorious fragrance. The scent would also last long. This was not the case with Febreze Extra Strength Fabric Refresher.

No less than 5 minutes later and not a trace of the scent was detectable.

Febreze Extra Strength Fabric Refresher was supposed to be a TOUGH odor eliminator, but it didn’t do that at all. The normal fresheners by Febreze do a better job, and I felt jipped knowing I spent more money on this supposed ‘extra strength’ formula, when it was weaker than the Febreze Fabric Refreshers!


I still lover Febreze Fabric Refreshers, the Febreze Extra Strength Fabric Refresher though does not work as well. I recommend using the originals, for a longer lasting odor eliminating refreshing scent.


Nope. Skip it. Save yourself the seven bucks.