Father’s Day Quotes

Father’s Day is June 15, 2008. Are you looking for the special words to convey your love and admiration for your father? Have you not found a message in a card that says what you have always felt about your father? The following are ten meaningful “Father’s Day Quotes” that may be the exact words you always wanted to express about your father’s presence and influence in your life.

1. A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again. ~Enid Bagnold

The thoughtful meaning of this quote is that a father guides his daughter as she grows up and desires for her to become a beautiful woman. However, to a father his daughter will always be his baby girl.

2. Dad, you’re someone to look up to no matter how tall I’ve grown. ~Author Unknown

The thoughtful meaning of this quote is that no matter how much you have grown up you always look up to your father for advice and wisdom.

3. There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself. ~John Gregory Brown, Decorations in a Ruined Cemetery, 1994

The thoughtful meaning of this quote is that when a father speaks his daughter knows it’s in love and over the years she will appreciate his words as a golden treasure.

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4. Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. ~Author Unknown

The thoughtful meaning of this quote is that a father’s loving hand is guidance throughout his children’s lifetime.

5. The greatest gift I ever had Came from God; I call him Dad! ~ Author Unknown

The thoughtful meaning of this quote is thankfulness to God for the gift of having a father.

6. I don’t care how poor a man is; if he has family, he’s rich. ~M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter

The thoughtful meaning of this quote is that a man’s true wealth lies in the support and love he receives from his family.

7. By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong. ~Charles Wadworth

The meaning of this quote is that a man learns to respect the true wisdom of his father when he raises his own son.

8. Fathers represent another way of looking at life – the possibility of an alternative dialogue. ~Louise J. Kaplan
Oneness and Separateness: From Infant to Individual, 1978

The meaning of this quote is that a father provides a unique perspective to teach his children through his many life experiences.

9. A girl’s father is the first man in her life, and probably the most influential. ~David Jeremiah (Quoted in Fathers Who Dare to Win by Ian Grant, 1999)

This quote implies the relationship that a girl has with her father influences her future relationships with men.

10. My father taught me that one of the most important abilities in life is to be able to take the pain and persevere, and for years this lesson had served me well.”

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The meaning of this quote is that a father teaches his children to strive to do their very best despite the obstacles of life.

Have a safe, wonderful and Happy Father’s Day. Hope these Father’s Day Quotes have uplifted and inspired you.

Sources: http://www.quotegarden.com/dad-day.html
