Fathers Day Gift Idea – Plaster Baby or Child Hand Prints

Plaster hand prints are a wonderful keepsake gift that any father will love to receive this Father’s Day. They’re much easier to make than you might think. Here’s how you can make some…

Check the craft of your local discount store (Walmart, Target, etc.) or a craft store such as Michael’s or Hobby Lobby, for a plaster of Paris mold kit. They come with plaster of Paris, chalk power, and a tray to use for displaying it. The trays come in a variety of shapes, so you can choose something that you think Dad will like. I like the heart-shaped one best.

If you’re working with a very young child, I suggest waiting until the child is sleeping, or at least very sleepy. Babies and young children tend to curl up their hands while you’re working, which makes it much harder for you to get a nice clean imprint.

Gather everything you’ll need before you start, because the plaster of Paris will start hardening quickly, and you won’t have time to run back for things. You’ll need the plaster of Paris, warm water, and disposable container to mix it in, a Popsicle stick or disposable spoon to stir with, the container you’re going to mold into, and wet wipes to clean off the child’s hands.

Slowly add the warm water to the plaster of Paris, a little at a time, stirring constantly. When it gets to be slightly thicker than pancake batter, pour it into your mold, making sure that the top is smoothed out and level. Let it set up for about a minute, and then test it lightly with your finger, to be sure it’s holding an impression.

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Hold one of your child’s hands firmly, (the child may jerk by instinct when he or she feels the plaster touch skin) and lower it into the plaster. Push firmly enough to make a good indent, remembering all the fingers. Pull that hand straight back up out of the plaster, taking care not to drag the fingers as you do.

Wrap that hand in wet wipes, so the child doesn’t smear plaster residue while you do the other hand. You’ll probably want to carry the mold around to the other side of the child, rather than pulling the child’s second hand over at an odd angle.

After to imprint the second hand, quickly wipe all the plaster of Paris residue off of your child’s hands. (If you let if on much longer, it will start to harden their hands in position!) Then, before the plaster in the mold finishes hardening, use a Popsicle or wooden barbeque skewer to label it with the child’s name, the date, and/or the words ‘Happy Father’s Day’.

Lay a paper towel over your plaster hands mold, to keep dust from settling into it while it’s drying. Set it in an out of the way place for several days (depending on humidity) to dry completely.

After it’s dry, you can use the chalk powder from your kit to highlight the indentations, and then it’s ready to be wrapped for Dad.

Happy Father’s Day!

Please click on the author’s name (above the article) to read more of her work on Associated Content.

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