Fat Camps for Kids & Teens

The name may be harsh but the issue is also a very serious one. It’s time to wake up and realize being over weight is not healthy. Do you fear for your child’s health as you watch them eat unhealthy foods? Is it time to look into Fat Camps that cater to kids and teens?

These camps can be fun and an enjoyment for kids as they learn to eat healthy and lose weight having fun. They will make lasting friendships and gain memories from their experience. While looking and reviewing a lot of camps I have compiled a list of some of the best weight loss camps for kids.

Camp La Jolla caters from the ages of 8 to 60+ and could turn into a family affair if you or someone else in your family is over weight. You can make it a joint effort with your child to get into shape and remain healthy together. While the prices are high for this camp running from two weeks at 3,095 to 9 weeks at 9.995 if this is in your budget or you have healthy insurance that offers reimbursement for weight loss programs this may be the ticket for your child. Also your weight loss program may be tax deductable.

Camp La Jolla is station in San Diego, California so your child or even you will enjoy the beautiful weather and the beaches while working your way to a healthier you. Camp La Jolla includes the statement “they are not a diet program or a fat camp, and certainly not your ordinary weight loss camp. Camp La Jolla not only teaches you healthy eating, exercise but they also work on behavior modification.

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Next on our list is Camp Shane. Camp Shane is located in New York. While offering lower prices then Camp La Jolla above with programs starting at 500 for a mini camp to 7,150 for 9 weeks and pricing in between. They also offer financial help for those who can not afford camp for there child. While Camp Shane caters mainly to children they do offer a young ladies weight loss camp for ages 18-25 that runs separately from the children’s camp.

Camp Shane offers the kinds of foods your kids love to eat but follow portion control. They will teach your child all about nutrition. Cognitive behavioral therapy is also an added plus to your child’s camping experience. Cognitive behavioral therapy will help give your child the tools and knowledge they need to keep losing and eating healthy even after camp. While Camp Shane may not be on the beach they offer a pool, lake and many other exciting activities.

Lastly we have Camp Kingsmont which is located in Massachusetts which caters to the ages of 7 to 18. Rates start at 2,999 for a 3 week session and up to 5,999 for 7 weeks which hit the middle of the road between the three camps. While most of the camps offer the same type of education and activities certain things are run differently at each different camp. While Camp Kingsmont also offers weight loss they seem to be one camp that also mixes in the enjoyment of true camp for kids. They offer everything from dances to horse back riding.

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So while doing some research on weight loss camps for your child take into consideration the rates, locations and activities. But the main important to take into consideration is the health and safety of the weight loss program that each camp with use to help your child towards a better healthier life and a higher self esteem!
