Fast Stress Relief for Baby Boomers

April is one of my favorite months. Spring is in the air, the snow is melting, the robins come back to the Northeast, and I can start walking and biking again with all of my fellow Boomers!

Walking, biking, hiking and swimming are all excellent ways to reduce stress in our lives. Since April is National Stress Awareness Month, I’d like to share a few really simple techniques with you for reducing stress levels. In today’s fast paced society, stress is inevitable. We can, however, change our reaction to the daily stressors that we face. Here are a few of my suggestions:

Breathe deeply. Take ten deep, full, slow breaths. This is a good habit for anyone to get into, but especially important for active Baby Boomers. Many of us are working, taking care of one or more elderly family members, or helping to babysit the grandkids. These busy lifestyles can lead to stress related illnesses if we don’t learn some techniques to stop stress now! Whenever you feel yourself tensing up, or feel that stress headache coming on, simply stop and take a breathing break. Make each exhale longer than your inhale. This technique will help lower your blood pressure, calm your mind, and reduce the tension in your chest and shoulders. It may be impossible to immediately take a break from the task at hand, but as soon as possible after an upsetting incident, take your breathing break – even if that means locking yourself in the bathroom for a few minutes!

Laugh, laugh, laugh . I know it’s the last thing that you feel like doing in the middle of a stressful situation, but it’s the best thing you can do for your health. Let’s say you’re sitting in a traffic jam on the interstate. This is one stressful incident that most people can relate to. We’re always in a hurry to get somewhere, and a traffic incident is the last thing we need, right? Well, truthfully, there is not one thing that you can do about it. Honking horns, getting upset, or cursing at your bad luck doesn’t really do anything except release too many stress hormones into our bodies. The fastest way to remove those extra stress hormones is through laughter, which releases endorphins (feel good hormones). I keep a disk of funny stories from Garrison Keeler in my car for just such emergencies. It feels so much better to listen to and laugh at these comical pictures that Garrison paints of life in Lake Woebegone, and before I know it, the traffic starts moving again. I recommend that you keep a disk of Bill Cosby, Robin Williams, Jerry Seinfeld, Garrison Keeler or any comedian that you find funny in your car and the next time you’re stuck in traffic, enjoy some good belly laughs! You’ll feel much better when you reach your destination.

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You can also listen on your way home from work if it was a stressful day or on your way back from a visit with a loved one in the hospital, or a nursing home. That way, you won’t bring your stress home with you.

Gardening is another great way to release tension. Spring is planting time and the meditative qualities of planting, weeding and harvesting a garden help to reduce blood pressure and increase those feel good hormones. In addition, growing your own organic vegetables or herbs lowers your grocery bill and assures that you get fresh, organic vegetables all summer long! If you don’t have room for a garden in your yard, check out the many community gardens that have sprung up all over the United States. Working your own small plot in a larger community garden also offers you the opportunity of social gatherings with new friends to talk about the growing season, which plants are coming in, different methods of fertilization, freezing and canning, etc. This is a much better alternative to sitting around the house worrying about life’s stressors.

For all of my readers this month, here is a link to my report called The Top Twelve Stress Busters. In this report you will find more simple tips to help you deal with all of the inevitable stressors in life.

Best of Health



  • For more information from Kathi Casey, The Healthy Boomer Body Expert on stress relief, pain relief, permanent weight loss solutions and more, see