Fascinating Facts About Red Hair

Of all the hair colors, redheads may get the most second glances. Not because they’re the most uncommon hair color (natural blondes have that distinction), but because their hair color is so visually stunning. A redhead will always stand out in a crowd of people. Unfortunately, redheads often have to endure a barrage of comments about their fiery tempers and their freckles which if tolerated long enough could result in an outburst that confirms that age old stereotype about red hair and temper.

Natural redheads are an interesting breed when you look back through the ages at some of the most interesting ones. Some famous redheads from history include Lucille Ball, Galileo, Vincent van Gogh, Ginger Rogers, Red Skelton, and Molly Ringwald to name a few. In the modern age, who can forget the talented Nicole Kidman or the stunning voice of Bette Midler? Here are some facts about red hair you may not know:

Red hair facts: They’ve been discriminated against historically.

Redheads have not always been as valued as they are today. In Greek mythology, it was thought that red haired people turned into vampires when their life ended and the ancient Egyptians reportedly paid tribute to their god by burying men with red hair while they were still alive. Even in modern times, discrimination still exists in some parts of the world. If you pass a red haired person on the street in Corsica, you’re supposed to spit. Redheads have also been labeled with attributes that were less than flattering. Throughout history they have been called violent, emotional, hot tempered, crazy, mystical, and unclean. On the positive side, it’s considered an honor to have a red haired child in Denmark.

See also  Hair Coloring Tips for Redheads

Red hair facts: They’ve been called a range of nicknames.

Red haired people have had to endure a range of unflattering nicknames and phrases including such oldies as carrot-top, red on head, red, agent orange, big red, fireball, and fire truck. They’ve also been greeted with such salutations as “Is your hair on fire?” and “Here comes a fire truck!” Is there any wonder that red haired people tend to develop a good sense of humor?

Red hair facts: They have unique hair characteristics.

Having red hair is rather unique in and of itself, although red hair has a wide range of colors from strawberry blonde to rich, auburn red. Red haired people have fewer hairs on their head than do blondes or brunettes, although each individual hair tends to be thicker. Surprisingly, their hair doesn’t turn gray. It turns an intermediate neutral shade and then completely white with age.

Red hair facts: Health characteristics.

Studies have shown that people with red hair are more sensitive to pain and may require higher doses of pain medication than do their dark and blonde haired counterparts, In addition, they often need higher levels of anesthesia to get the same level of sedation. They also tend to be more prone to allergies than those with other hair colors.

It seems that redheads really are a unique and special breed. Maybe that’s why more and more women are heading to the drugstore to try and replicate their special form of beauty.