Farmland Foods Bacon, the Best Bacon in the World

Bacon! Probably the one food product that most everyone hates to love, but loves too much to hate. We’ve been told over and over how bad it is for you. Mmm, Mmm, but how good it tastes! Admit it. Even if you’ve heeded the warnings, how many of us sneak a little nibble when that smell, you know that irresistible smell I’m talking about, waifs past your olfactory system. Or maybe like me, you and bacon have come to some sort of agreement. “I’ll keep eating you Mr. Bacon and being your friend despite all the naysayers, and you’ll keep tasting as good as you do.” Friends forever. This review article will show why you may want to give Farmland Foods Bacon a place in your kitchen.

Farmland Foods is the best bacon, bar none. America’s Test Kitchen seems to agree, too. If you’re unfamiliar with America’s Test Kitchen, it’s a highly respected and much ballyhooed show on PBS T.V., that does just what its show’s name suggests, tests all things kitchen for America’s benefit. Sort of like the Consumer Reports of the cooking world. O.K., at times it can be a little bit subjective. But what endeavor in life isn’t at some level? You also have the added benefit of picking up great cooking tips and techniques when watching the show.Yet when they are testing, i.e., kitchen utensils or some other non-food product, or recipes, and if one product simply works better than another, or one recipe works better than another, well there just isn’t much room left for individual preference or personal taste. As is the case when taste testing. Many taste tests are done under blind-tasting conditions, thus eliminating any sort of pre-conceived brand influence.

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In one installment of the show, bacon was the course du-jour. A bacon expert, yes a bacon expert, was brought in to help Christopher Kimball decide which was the best smoked bacon out there. Christopher Kimball is the show’s host as well as founder, publisher, and editor of the very successful magazines Cooks Illustrated and Cooks Country Magazine. He is also the founder of the Who’s Who of Cooking in America. A separate, independent test had already been conducted through the panel from which this representative was a part before the test on America’s Test Kitchen. The test was to find out which bacon looked the best, cooked up the best, and had the best smoky taste?

The conclusion had Farmland Foods bacon, you guessed it, rating over-the-top in appeal after being cooked, how well it cooked up and the best natural smoky taste against other top name brands when Christopher Kimball did a blind test. The independent survey conducted found the same results or nearly the same results as America’s Test Kitchen and the expert opinion of Chris Kimball.

So when I tell you Farmland’s bacon is the best out there, you’ve got more than my word to go on. Additionally, Farmland Foods bacon is one of very few mass produced bacon products in the United States which is naturally smoked in a smoke house. And they stand by their bacon more than any of their other products. Give you a little story.

We are fairly regular bacon eaters around our home. Hey we’re from New Orleans, what do you expect, we like food. Besides, bacon makes for a great ingredient in many dishes, such as a great Baked Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Cordon Bleu or or part of an Italian-Seasoned Avocado, Bacon, and Tomato Salad. But the other day we opened up the rare package of bacon that had just a little too much fat on it. No problem. One out of a hundred isn’t something to get upset about. It’s understandable that every once-in-a-while quality control misses one. It really wasn’t even that bad. But here was a good chance to e-mail the company in order to gauge its customer relation skills and include the findings in a review. So I decided to let the company know that we were surprised to find that our most recent purchase of their bacon product was less than what we had come to expect.

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Within two days I received an e-mail back expressing their gratitude for all of the praise I related to them about their bacon and for being a loyal customer. And that another Farmland Foods representative would be getting back with me. Within a week after that e-mail, in my mailbox was an envelope from Farmland Foods. What do you suppose was in the envelope? Not a questionnaire or some form letter, but a personal and winsome letter from another representative expressing the possible reasons for the less-than normal quality of the bacon, and their desire to keep my every confidence in their bacon product. To go along with that were three official coupons, one covering the entire cost of another package of bacon.

Which brings us to the final reason that Farmland Foods Bacon is a great product, its cost. Our grocer carries it at a cost of $2.99 for a 1lb. package. There isn’t any manufactured suggested retail price already printed on the packaging either, leaving the door open for grocers to be able to offer such a good price. And for such a superior bacon $2.99, when compared to any other inferior quasi-smoke flavored or real natural smoked bacon product, which often costs more as well, is a great deal.

For these reasons,

A) that an independent survey found Farmland Foods Bacon a superior product in most categories tested

B) and America’s Test Kitchen found it superior in tests,

C) the company’s unique postition in bringing real naturally smoked bacon to market

D) and its excellent customer relations skills ,

E)and the product’s great price, Farmland Foods Bacon is the best bacon in the world.

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Personally, we really like Farmland Foods Bacon due to trial and error at our local grocer. We tried various brands of bacon and stopped cold on Farmland Foods Bacon. We started using it about a year ago. Now it’s the only bacon we’ll use in any of the dishes we prepare with it. It’s that good. We found the same results as the test we later viewed on America’s Test Kitchen. And talk about cheap! A real secret if you will. Go out and get this one if you’re a bacon connoisseur or fan of any mention. Choosing Farmland Foods brand bacon will make any budgeter feel like they’ve just made a good buy.


  • Farmland Foods