FAKE Vibram Five Fingers – Review

You have probably read all the reviews about Vibram Five Fingers and perhaps you have even read the book “Barefoot Runner” by Paul Rambali. Most reviews are good and these shoes, a barefoot alternative, are selling like hotcakes, so much so, at times, you can’t even find them locally in any state at any authorized sport stores.

Because of my eagerness to have a pair of the Vibram Five Fingers, and because my husband was determined I have them I am now at full liberty to share with you my journey into the world of fakes. My dear husband had researched local stores and found that the closest place that had Vibrams or even sold them was REI in Dallas. It was about an hours drive.
However, once we arrived we were met with the very grim news that they were sold out and that there was not any shoes available for perhaps a month or two and that we probably could not even get them directly from the company in Italy. I was good with that. I would wait. But my husband could not. His face dropped and his countenance changed and he was very disappointed that I would not get those coveted shoes on that very day because that was my birthday and that was going to be his gift to me.

We drove home and he disappeared for awhile and I did birthday things like clean the kitchen and mopped. Later he emerged very happy with the receipt for my online order of Vibram Five Fingers. I had said I wanted the Classic Mauve Gray ones earlier and that is exactly what he ordered. Of course I sat silently staring at the receipt. I had already done all the research.I knew about the fakes. He even showed me how he had managed to get a great deal for almost half of what he might pay in a store and with free shipping! I knew. I’m telling you, I knew. I knew at that point I would be getting a pair of fakes.

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I went to my favorite website that tells you all about the fake sites, what to look for and what fakes look like and I found the site he bought mine from right on the list like a blinking red light. It was fully equipped with all the information to look for like reduced prices. These shoes would not be on sale for a very long time.
We realized we wouldn’t be able to return the shoes once they arrived for a refund because we didn’t trust a company that was deceitful to ever return our money upon receiving the shoes back.

So despite the fact that they would be fakes I hoped they would be very similar however, I indeed was worried that my experience would be ruined due to the fact that the material used to make fake Vibram Five Fingers is not the same as they use to make the originals and this could effect the comfort of the shoe. I am a distance jogger and I jog daily. I was feeling very hesitant but for the sake of my husband I told him they were probably just perhaps the same but with a defect of some sort and perhaps the company in Italy sent all their defects to China. Of course we know this to be false however, it was fun talking about the possibilities.

My shoes were promised to arrive in a matter of days but they did not arrive. We got an email, in very bad English with misspelled words and very unprofessional that our shoes would arrive a little later than usual due to the air flights or something odd like that. However when they did arrive, much to my shock and disgust I quickly observed my new fake Vibrams were not the sandy Mauve Gray I ordered however they were royal bright blue with bright yellow in between the toes. I had wanted a more earthy tone that would blend in with the gray dirt trail I jog on but instead I received these bold bright colors that would no doubt make snakes hiss and vultures flock to me. I would not be blending in or becoming one with the trails but rather sticking out like a sore thumb. And not only that, they looked like they were originally being made to be a pair of KSO’s ( I ordered Classics) even coming in the KSO Vibram box (albeit bent and crunched) however, they look like they were never completed. It appears they should of been KSO but a strap and other material was left off and wahlah! A Classic!

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I imagine these fake Vibram sites are all linked to the same huge factory in China. If you decide to save some money and order from them, be warned here and now that you might as well leave the entire color, brand design and maybe even size to chance. You will also be forced to compromise the material used to make them and quality to chance. After breaking them in with daily running, they are actually comfortable and feel light weight however the toe area still feels a bit unyielding and bulky. I think that the authentic Vibrams have a better material for the bottom and toe guard area as in the pictures they look lighter and more seamed. I did endure nasty bleeding blisters on my heel area but, according to reviews, even authentic Vibram’s can cause blistering on the heel area for some wearers. Despite the blisters I am eagerly looking forward to a pair of REAL Vibram Five Finger shoes and I will save these fakes for muddy trails and walking around in lakes and puddles.

If you are a serious runner or serious about having proper barefoot alternatives on your feet then I suggest you order from authorized sellers and stay far and clear away from fake sellers. Visit this website for a comprehensive list of fake sellers.