Facts About the Skin Condition Melasma

What is melasma
Melasma is a darkening of the facial skin. It is also referred to as the “mask effect” or the “mask of pregnancy”. Melasma can cause a darkening of the whole face that gives the appearance of a mask, or it can appear as brown spots on the skin. Rarely, melasma occurs on parts of the body besides the face. Melasma is predominately seen in women but does occasionally appear in men. {http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000836.htm} {http://dermnetnz.org/colour/melasma.html}

What causes melasma
Melasma is usually caused by hormone fluctuations. Pregnancy, use of hormone replacement therapy, or birth control can cause significant hormone changes which can cause melasma. Melasma is mostly seen in pregnant women, thus the term “the pregnancy mask.

Other causes of melasma are exposure to the sun and exposure to skin care products and cosmetics. On rare occasions, medications can be the cause.

Melasma caused by pregnancy, usually fades gradually after the pregnancy. Melasma caused by hormone replacement therapy or birth control usually fades gradually after they are discontinued.

Melasma caused by skin care products, cosmetics or medication usually fades gradually after the products are discontinued. Fading is possible when the cause is from sun exposure, but is more unlikely without the aid of treatment. After treatment, further sun exposure must be prevented or very limited to prevent recurrence.

Treatment for melasma that does not fade on its’ own consists of topica skin lighteners and laser resurfacing to lighten the skin. Severe cases will most likely need laser resurfacing. A dermatologist should be consulted about treatment. Over the counter topical skin lighteners will more often than not, fail to bring satisfying results. A dermatologist can recommend and / or prescribe a quality and effective product. In severe cases when laser resurfacing must be used, it is important to find a qualified dermatologist. More than one treatment may be necessary, depending on the severity of the skin darkening. A dermatologist should be able to give you a realistic estimate of the amount of treatment that will be needed.

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Melasma caused by hormone fluctuation can not be predicted or prevented.

Melasma caused by medication can be prevented if those medications are not used. Certain antibiotics, anti-seizure medications and anti-malaria medications can cause melasma. Talk to your doctor or your pharmacist to see if an alternate medication can be prescribed.

Melasma caused by skin care products or cosmetics can be prevented. Allergic reaction is the culprit when it comes to these products. If you notice any darkening, rashes, or any other hints that alert you to sensitivity to a product, immediately discontinue its’ use.

Sun exposure is a common cause of melasma. Limiting your exposure to the sun can prevent this cause of melasma. Wearing sun screen whenever you are in the sun, wearing protective clothing and avoiding long periods of sun exposure are the best prevention.

Melasma can be upsetting to a person. People often feel embarrassed when they have this condition. While waiting for the darkening to fade, or awaiting treatment, a quality skin evening cosmetic foundation can be used to hide the darkened skin. Mineral powders like bare essentials are a good choice because they have a low chance of causing allergic reactions. Match the color to your neck, to produce a natural effect.
