Eyebrow Transplant – The Newest Trend in Cosmetic Surgery

The obsession with eyebrows has begun. We’ve all done it. We stand in front of that mirror attempting to get rid of every extra stray hair and before we know it, we plucked ourselves to death. Well, there is a new solution for this dilemma. Cosmetic surgeons all over are giving eyebrow transplants. This procedure can add hair to either light or nonexistent at all brows.

The list of unpleasant things we see on ourselves in the mirror lengthens. First crooked teeth, acne, thin lips and now dissatisfaction with our brows. The trend go back and forth with how eyebrows should look. While many sport more natural looking brows like Brooke Shields, still others have thin line brows like Pamela Lee, that many say are “bad.”

But what exactly is done during a transplant? A general anesthesia is offered first, Then, a doctor slices a strip of one’s scalp from the back of their head. Hair is taken from this piece as nurses cut this tissue into several pieces to separate the hairs that will be used for construction of the brow. After that, a doctor pokes millimeter size holes where the new brow hair will be implanted. These hairs are placed in one at a time. It is estimated that nearly 250 hairs are in each of our eyebrows. Do the math, the nurses could be there all day picking for stray hairs.

Typically, these procedures can cost upward to $5,000. Some procedures are $3,000. However, that is still a hefty price to pay for two small strips of hair on one’s forehead. These procedures are very similar to men hair transplant procedures. The hair implanted will behave the same way it would if it was still on the back of your head, thus plucking still needs to occur.

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It is understandable why the obsession with eyebrows exist. They accentuate the face’s features. We all know that bad brows make for a bad look. However, the crazy world of cosmetic surgery has found yet another procedure to make money on. Call it ridiculous or call it useful, eyebrow transplant can change one’s overall look with the flick of a pen signing a check to a surgeon. Decide for yourself.