Extreme Body Modification

Just as with tattooing, other forms of body modification have existed for many centuries. Modifications can be something simple such as ear piercing or more dramatic such as scarification.

Ear piercing dates back to ancient times when it was believed that the metal used for piercing would ward off evil spirits. If the ears were pierced the spirits couldn’t enter the body through the ear canal.

Nose piercing can be dated back to biblical times as read in the book of Genesis.

Tongue piercing was practiced by the Aztecs. It was done to draw blood and induce an altered state of conciousness.

Lip piercing originated from African tribal cultures. It was used as a status symbol and only the highest ranking male members of society were allowed to wear them.

Some people choose to go even further and have their genitals pierced. Genital piercing is practiced in many parts of the world for various reasons, mostly sexual.

Eyeball tattooing is an up and coming practice. It can be very dangerous and should only be done by an experienced, licensed individual.

Transdermal implants consist of an anchor being placed beneath the surface of the skin and an object screwed into the anchor. The most common type of transdermal implants are spikes, often on the head.

There are also subdermal implants. They are usually made of silicon and placed under the skin. You will often see them as horns on the forehead.

Surgical cosmetic procedures are also a form of body modification. breast implants, collagen and silicone injections are a few examples of this type.

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Some forms of modification are more accurately referred to as mutilation. As is the case in genital cutting in some cultures. It is done to young girls reaching the age of puberty to ensure they will not enjoy sex and therefore will not stray from their partners.

Genital bisection is a male form of mutilation. In this procedure the penis is split done the middle resulting in the appearance of two penises. Functionality remains even though the penis will curl into an unnaturl shap when erect and may cause difficulty during penetration.

Tongue splitting is widely practiced. This is when the tongue is cut down the center to form two halves that will act independantly of one another. It also gives the person the appearance of having a serpent-like tongue.

Corsetry or tightlacing dates back to the 16th century. It involves the waist being cinched very tightly and was originally done by women to help accentuate their feminine curves.

Tooth filing is practiced in Africa, Indonesia and the Phillipines as well as in the United States. Most often teeth are filed into points to give the appearance of fangs.

Scarification involves cutting the skin with any type of sharp object to cause scars or keloids to form. This is done in many tribes to welcome youngsters into adulthood or to show which tribe they belong to. Branding is another form of scarification and is done in much the same manner as branding livestock. Any type of scarification puts a person at risk for infection and should only be done by a professional.

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These are just a few forms of body modification being practiced around the world. There are way too many to try to mention all of them. With so many people doing such horrific things to their bodies we may start to wonder why. Is it because they want attention? Or is it because they want to feel beautiful? Or could it possibly be that they just can’t seem to get comfortable in their own skin so they continue to modify it hoping that one day they will be at peace with their body?