Etsy Interview with Hapa Girls

Brief Bio:

My name is Elan and I am the creator of Hapa Girls. I live in Corona, CA and I am a stay at home mom to my beautiful 3-year-old daughter, Kale’a. I have a great husband who supports my craft and makes it possible for me to be a stay at home mom.

How and when did you start making jewelry and other items?

Like many handmade artisans, I have been making crafts for a very long time. I fell in love with the art of making jewelry in junior college. I was lucky to finally find my niche when I transferred to California State Long Beach. In 2006 I received a BFA in 3D media/Metalsmithing.

When and how did you find Etsy?

About a year or so after having my daughter, I began to miss school, deadlines and turning 2 dimensional designs into 3D metal art. Thus spawned the idea of Hapa Girls. In 2009 when my daughter was about 1½yr old, I would work in my garage while she was taking her naps. At the time I had heard about Etsy but really never imagined myself selling anything I made. I really loved getting back in the shop and making things again that I thought I would give it a shot and Hapa Girls opened in January 2009.

What is unique about Etsy?

Like many other handmade sellers, opening a shop online can be quite challenging. Because Etsy is the “grandfather” if you will, of handmade marketplaces, it has the recognition that many other marketplaces do not have. I feel that Etsy embraces the small shop owner and does not discriminate the type of crafts being sold. I would have to say my favorite features of Etsy are the forums as I have made many new contacts and have learned many tips from other sellers. I also like the feedback system, hearting of shops and the item view counter.

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What inspires you the most?

There are many things that inspire my creations. Ultimately, everyday living inspires me. I tend to create things based on the emotional state I may be in at one time or another. If my heart feels sad or broken for some reason, I will express that through my work. An example of that would be the “My Healing Heart” pendant. Another life inspiring moment was when my daughter was born. I did a pregnancy series in which I made pendants that expressed my feelings of being a Mom. Sometimes I make things just to express the humor in life or just to make pretty things, like my flowers. Whether the inspiration is simple or complex, it is my daughter who constantly inspires me. Who by the way my shop is partly named after. The word Hapa, means half in Hawaiian. I am of half Hawaiian, Chinese and Caucasian. Thus so is she and so we are, Hapa Girls.

What is your favorite piece you’ve created and why?

That’s a tough question to answer. I have to say first off, everything I make is with the intention that I am its biggest fan. I basically create things that are meaningful to me, or items I know I want to wear. On that note, I believe my favorite pieces are the more personal I make. To me they are wearable art with a personal message. Although, I have to say that some of the flowers I make are pretty nice too!

What do you want to accomplish with your online shop?

Since starting Hapa Girls on Etsy, I have noticed many other sellers commenting on views (of items) vs. sales. Obviously we all want to make a lot of sales. However, my philosophy is that 1000 people would rather see me than have 1000 sales. I do appreciate all the sales I have and never thought I would have 10 sales let alone 220. I like the idea of just being seen for my work and what I am capable of creating. If those thousands of people like what they see, sales will eventually follow. I hope to continue creating new pieces and utilizing the Internet and Easy to visually expand my client base.

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Do you have any new creations in the works?

As long as life keeps inspiring me, I will always be creating new pieces of wearable art. I am constantly sketching new ideas and redoing old ideas! One thing is for sure; there are many more flowers to be made.

Where can readers find you?

When I am not playing with my daughter or working in the shop, you can find me trying to maintain my blog. I also update my flickr photostream with new items. Lastly, I am constantly promoting on Facebook and Twitter, @hapagirls