Enduring a Dry Socket in Your Mouth

Dry sockets are not a life-threatening problem even though it may feel like they are. They are a very painful, and unfortunately very common problem following many dental surgeries. While they are more common if you have lower teeth removed than with upper teeth, they can occur any time you have an extraction.

Following post surgical directions will help to reduce your risk of dry socket, but there is really no sure-fire method of prevention. Even following all post surgical direction exactly is not a guarantee that you will not develop a dry socket, as it is just a natural occurrence in some instances. People that are smokers or have problems with grinding their teeth are most at risk. While a dry socket cannot lead to your demise, it will certainly make you feel as if you are on your way there.

The dry socket develops when the clot formed after the extraction of a tooth becomes detached from the walls of the socket. This leaves the bone exposed to anything that comes in contact with the mouth. Inflammation of the bone can occur from the exposure to drinks, food or even saliva. The intense pain of a dry socket often radiates from the bone inflammation that occurs.

A dry socket will heal on its own within a month or so. However, during this time there will be little to no reduction in pain. Even the strongest pain medicine or antibiotics will not do much to help your pain during this period. Antibiotics normally combat pain by getting rid of infection. However, since a dry socket is not a true infection as they do little to ease the pain of the dry socket.

See also  Dry Socket- Don't Lose that Blood Clot

To effectively combat the pain associated with a dry socket, your only alternative may be to return to your dentist to have the socket packed. The area of the dry socket cannot be numbed for this procedure, so it will probably be quite painful. The good news is the procedure goes fairly quickly, and can help to put a damper on the pain you have been feeling. The relief that will come from this procedure will definitely be welcomed, as the pain of a dry socket is usually so intense that even a minor relief will seem like a miracle.

The packing will need to be extracted and replaced every couple of days. During the procedure, the dentist will pull out the packing, rinse the socket, and replace the packing. This will enable the socket to heal and give you relief from your pain as well. By and large a dry socket will have to run it’s course, and time will be the only true cure. However, the best method to getting rid of one, is simply to avoid one if at all possible.